
dev-master 2024-05-23 17:27 UTC




If you need to add a method to Adapters, you just need to create and set new Gateway classes, and then either set them in the app.php configuration file or in the gateways() method inside Providers. After set our custom methods from our custom Gateway, you can access the same in the Adapter classes.

// Settings/app.php

return [
    'gateways' => [

Warning: If you configure multiple Gateways methods for the same Adapter with same name , one error will be triggered.

Gateway class

Gateways are straightforward classes that establish mappings between base interfaces and custom classes requiring customized functionalities. To create a Gateway, simply define two static methods: baseInterface(), which specifies the base interface for our custom class, and customClass(), which refers to our customized class.


namespace Stellar\Storage;

use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;use Stellar\Gateway;use Stellar\Gateway\Method;

class StorageGateway extends Gateway
    public static function adapterClass(): string
        return StorageAdapter::class;

    public static function methods(): array
        return [
            Method::make('test', function (StorageAdapter $adapter, string $drive): string {
                return $drive;

⚠️ Remember set the callable return type like the example to help ide:gateways command.

⚠️ Look who the first parameter from Gateway callable must be the Adapter object or Adapter::class, and is required and must be the first parameter.








Classes Request are responsible for grouping and abstracting the data and information necessary in a request, such as HTTP method, data from a POST form, query parameters from a GET request, among others. Additionally, it also allows for validating these data, using Validations and Rules. It is possible to extend the Request class and define a customized class to be used in the application, by adding in the app.gateways setting, for more about this look to Gateway section.


Raw Validations

To add rules and feedback directly during validation, you can perform a raw validation by passing rules and/or feedbacks as parameters to the validate() method of Request, as shown below. The rules should be an associative array where the key is the field to be validated and the value is an instance of Rule or an array of Rules (Rule|array<Rule>). The feedbacks should be an array where the key is the field name and the value is the rules applied to it, with its sub-rules separated by ".".


use Stellar\Request\Validations\Rules\EmailRule;use Stellar\Request\Validations\Rules\RequiredRule;use Stellar\Request\Validations\Rules\StringRule;

$rules = [
    'name' => StringRule::make()->max(125)->min(10),
    'email' => [

$feedbacks = [
    'name' => [
        'string.max' => 'Custom string error message for field $field.'

$request->validate($rules, $feedbacks);

Custom Validation

To use a custom Validation in Vortex, there are two ways: creating a new Request class and specifying which Validation class will be used, or before performing the validation, from the Request instance, call the setValidation() method and pass the Validation class that should be used.


use Stellar\Request\Validations\Rules\EmailRule;use Stellar\Request\Validations\Rules\RequiredRule;use Stellar\Request\Validations\Rules\StringRule;

$rules = [
    'name' => StringRule::make()->max(125)->min(10),
    'email' => [

$feedbacks = [
    'name' => [
        'string.max' => 'Custom string error message for field $field.',
        'email' => 'The field $field must be a valid email.'

$request->setValidation(new CustomValidation);
$request->validate($rules, $feedbacks);


Validation classes allow you to define which rules will be applied to each field, as well as customize their respective feedback. To define a custom validation, there is the customValidation() method that takes an instance of the Request class as a parameter and must return a boolean.


use Stellar\Request\Validation;use Stellar\Request\Validations\Rules\RequiredRule;use Stellar\Request\Validations\Rules\StringRule;

class CustomValidation extends Validation
    public function getRules(): array
        return [
            'name' => [

    public function getFeedbacks(): array
        return [
            'name' => [
                'string' => 'Custom string rule feedback',
                'required' => 'Field is required',
    public function customValidation(Request $request): bool|string
        return true;


For create custom field validations you can make new Rule classes. The required methods are applyRule() and getRuleKey(). The getRuleKey() is the method that define main rule identifier, and the applyRule() is the method that will validate the field. To apply the rule you use the method applyRule() and to mark an error call method fireError() with the error key identifier and optional feedback message. You can define an array of custom attributes that can be used to complete feedback messages with method customAttributes().


namespace Stellar\Vortex\Request\Validations\Rules;

use Stellar\Request;use Stellar\Request\Validations\Rule;

class EmailRule extends Rule
    protected array $feedback_messages = [
        'email' => 'The $field field must be a valid Email.',

    public function applyRule(Request $request): void
        if (!filter_var($this->value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {

    public function getRuleKey(): string
        return 'email';
    public function customAttributes(Request $request): array
        return [
            '$field' => $this->field,
            '$value' => $this->value ?? 'null',


Storage is the simplified way Vortex handles files inserted into the application, abstracting their manipulation and access. Within Storage, it is possible to create drives, and each drive has two partitions: one public and one private. The public partition can be made available for public access, while the private partition cannot.


To configure a drive, simply register it in the storage settings file. In this example we register the drive "drive_1".

// Settings/storage.php

return [
    'drives' => [
        'drive_1' => [

To set a default drive for Storage, add the default key within the storage settings with the name of the configured drive key.

// Settings/storage.php

return [
    'default' => 'drive_1',
    'drives' => [
        'drive_1' => [],

To specify that errors when interacting with the drive should not trigger exceptions, set the exception_mode key to false.

// Settings/storage.php

return [
    'drives' => [
        'drive_1' => [
            'exception_mode' => false,        


Each drive has a public partition and a private partition. By default, the public partition is enabled and the private partition is disabled. However, these settings can be changed according to the example below. Within the partitions key of your drive, there are keys for each partition that should be associated with a boolean value indicating whether they are enabled or not.

// Settings/storage.php

return [
    'drives' => [
        'drive_1' => [
            'partitions' => [
                'public' => true,
                'private' => false,



Storage has various definitions to look for default values, either in the settings or Vortex presets. Therefore, if no preset is specified, all values will be taken by default, including which drive will be accessed, which can be configured as demonstrated earlier with the default key. To specify how the drive be accessed, the following methods should be used:

use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;

StorageAdapter::drive('drive_1') // Specify witch drive be access.
    ->publicPartition() // Specify witch partition be access.
    ->exceptionMode(false); // Define the exception_mode

⚠️ Note that the presets defined during interaction with Storage will take precedence over the settings.


To get Drive file content, use the method get(), you need pass the partition relative path to the method like bellow:

use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;


🧿 Note that the presets defined during interaction with Storage will take precedence over the settings.


The public access for files are enable only for public partition and url() method not accept try call him from private partition and will throw an Exception. If try access valid file the public URL will be returned.

use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;



The exists() method will return boolean value, true if the file exists in the drive or false if not.

use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;


Mime Type

To return the file type use the method mimeType() to get that.

use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;



Use the method path() to get the full path for the file.

use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;


Change Partition

To change file partition use the methods turnPrivate() or turnPublic(), this just can change partition inside same drive. If try turn file to the same partition, this method will throw an Exception or return false.

use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;



To add new files to drive you can use string content or one object Stream.


use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;
use Stellar\Navigation\Stream;
use Stellar\Navigation\Stream\Enums\OpenMode;

// Using string content.
StorageAdapter::drive('drive_1')->put('test.txt', 'Test text example.');

// Using Stream.
$stream = Stream::make('file_path', OpenMode::X_PLUS_MODE)->write('Test text example.');
StorageAdapter::drive('drive_1')->put('test.txt', $stream);


Where need delete files from drives, use the method delete() from Storage.


use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;



To get file size inside drives from Storage, use the method size().


use Stellar\Adapters\StorageAdapter;
