
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the volldigital/laravel-navision package instead.

1.1.13 2023-03-31 07:50 UTC


A small package to communicate with Microsoft Navision. You can fetch collections and single records.


Run following commands:

composer require volldigital/laravel-navision
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="VOLLdigital\LaravelNavision\LaravelNavisionServiceProvider"

Edit your "config/ntlm.php" file or use the ENV variables.


After setting up your config, load the client via:

$client = app(VOLLdigital\LaravelNavision\Client::class);

Now you are ready to recieve data from your Navision.


$client = app(VOLLdigital\LaravelNavision\Client::class);

$data = $client->fetchCollection("Events");

$event = $client->fetchOne("Events", 'Key', 'Number');

You can also pull data chunk-wise. The data will be written in a text file and after the request finished, it will be parsed and deleted.

$client = app(VOLLdigital\LaravelNavision\Client::class);

// file will be stored in /storage/app/temp/curl_uniqueid.temp

$data = $client->fetchCollection("Events", true);

You want to check if your connection to UNITOP is established? You can use the ping function and check it :)

$client = app(VOLLdigital\LaravelNavision\Client::class);

if ($client->ping() === false) {
    throw new RunTimeException('No connection available');

Write data

Use $client->writeData(string $url, array $data); to write data into navision.


        'Item_Code' => 'VD',
        'Item_Description' => 'Test data'

Count items

Use $client->countCollection("YourCollection") to recieve the amount of items in this collection.


dd($client->countCollection('Events')); // Outputs: 100293


Query params

  • $skip=XXXX - Skip X amount of itmes
$temp = $this->client->fetchCollection('Events?$skip=10000');
  • $top=XXXX - Recieve X amount of items
$temp = $this->client->fetchCollection('Events?$top=10');

Fetching data

    protected function fetchData(string $uri, $key, bool $chunk = false, ?callable $filter = null)
        $temp = $this->client->fetchCollection($uri, $chunk);
        $data = [];

        foreach($temp as $ts) {
            if (!is_null($filter) && $filter($ts) === false) {

            $data[$ts[$key]] = $ts;

        return collect($data);


    protected function fetchAll()
        $number = $this->client->countCollection('Events');
        $pageLimit = 10000;
        $pages = (int)ceil($number / $pageLimit);
        $events = [];

        for ($i = 0; $i < $pages; $i++) {
            $skip = $i * $pageLimit;

            $temp = $this->fetchData('Events?$skip='.$skip, 'Number');

            $events = array_merge($events, $temp->toArray());

        return collect($events);