
Yii2 extension to minify and combine css and js files automatically. Created to be easy and work out of the box

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Installs: 317

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Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


1.0.0 2018-03-13 20:21 UTC

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Last update: 2021-07-10 12:11:03 UTC


Auto minify and combine css and js files with zero configuration.

Yii2 extension to minify and combine css and js files automatically. Created to be easy and work out of the box.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist vnxdev/yii2-assets-optimizer "^1.0"

or add

"vnxdev/yii2-assets-optimizer": "^1.0"

How to use

  • Add entry assetsOptimizer to bootstrap section
  • Add config array assetsOptimizer to components section
    'bootstrap'    => ['assetsOptimizer'],
    'components'    =>
        'assetsOptimizer' =>
            'class' => 'vnxdev\Yii2AssetsOptimizer\AssetsOptimizer',
            'enabled' => true

Config options

    'assetsOptimizer' =>
        'class' => 'vnxdev\Yii2AssetsOptimizer\AssetsOptimizer',
        // Enable or disable the component
        'enabled' => true,
        // Time in seconds for reading each external asset file
        'readFileTimeout' => 2,
        // Combine all CSS files into a single file
        'cssFilesCombine' => true, 
        // Download all external CSS files
        'cssFilesRemoteEnable' => true,
        // Enable compression for CSS files
        'cssFilesCompress' => true,
        // Move down CSS files to the bottom of the page
        'cssFilesToBottom' => true,
        // Combine all JS files into a single file
        'jsFilesCombine' => true,
        // Download all external JS files
        'jsFilesRemoteEnable' => true,
        // Enable compression for JS files
        'jsFilesCompress' => true,
        // Remove all JS files inside AJAX responses
        'clearJsOnAjax' => true,
        // Remove all JS files inside PJAX responses
        'clearJsOnPjax' => true,
        // Skip already minified files
        'skipMinified' => true,
        // Pattern to detect minified files
        'skipMinifiedPattern' => '.min',
        // Whitelist app routes
        // If not empty, only these app routes will use this extension
        // If entry is present in whitelist and blacklist at the same time, blacklist has higher priority
        // Example config: extension will work only with SiteController and actionIndex.
        // Leave this option empty for extension to work everywhere
        'routesWhitelist' => [
            'site' => [
        // Blacklist app routes
        // If not empty, these app routes will be excluded from using this extension
        // Example config: extension will NOT work with SiteController and actionIndex
        // Leave this option empty for extension to work everywhere        
        'routesBlacklist' => [
            'site' => [