
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.9) of this package.

A small library for working with markup. Enables the generation of JSON-LD markup.

1.0.9 2024-01-08 19:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 20:30:31 UTC


A small library for working with markup. Enables the generation of JSON-LD markup. documentation:


You can install the library via Composer. Add the following line to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "vnetby/schemaorg": "#PACKAGE_VERSION#"

Then run the following command:

composer install

You can install the latest version by running the command

composer require vnetby/schemaorg


Create an instance of the class type you want to use for markup, pass an array of properties to it according to the documentation:

use Vnet\Schemaorg\Types\Thing\Intangible\Trip\TouristTrip;
use Vnet\Schemaorg\Types\Thing\Place\AdministrativeArea\City;

$type = TouristTrip::fromArray([
    'name' => 'Trip name',
    'description' => 'Trip description',
    'itinerary' => [
        City::fromArray(['name' => 'City 1']),
        City::fromArray(['name' => 'City 2']),
        City::fromArray(['name' => 'City 3']),
        City::fromArray(['name' => 'City 4']),
        City::fromArray(['name' => 'City 5']),

You can also set properties using the setProp method

$type->setProp('name', 'Trip name')->setProp('description', 'Trip description');

After filling in the object of the specified type, pass it to the Jsonld class

use Vnet\Schemaorg\Types\Thing\Intangible\Trip\TouristTrip;
use Vnet\Schemaorg\Types\Thing\Place\AdministrativeArea\City;

$type = TouristTrip::fromArray([
    'name' => 'Trip name',
    'description' => 'Trip description',
    'itinerary' => [
        City::fromArray(['name' => 'City 1']),
        City::fromArray(['name' => 'City 2']),
        City::fromArray(['name' => 'City 3']),
        City::fromArray(['name' => 'City 4']),
        City::fromArray(['name' => 'City 5']),

$jsonld = Jsonld::create($type);

In the Jsonld class object, the following methods are available

$jsonld->toArray(); // returns an array of json-ld markup
$jsonld->generate(); // generates a string with json-ld markup
$jsonld->render(); // outputs the json-ld markup

Each class type has a set of methods for setting and retrieving properties

use Vnetby\Schemaorg\DataTypes\DataDate;
use Vnetby\Schemaorg\Types\Thing\Event\Event;

$event = new Event;
    ->setEndDate(new DataDate('23-03-1995'))
    ->setStartDate(new DataDate('23-03-1995'));

$date = $event->getStartDate();

The use of DataType classes is optional. Each object of this class has its corresponding data type in PHP. For example, the DataBoolean class is equivalent to bool. This means that wherever the DataBoolean data type is specified, you can instead set/pass true/false instead of an instance of this class.

use Vnetby\Schemaorg\DataTypes\DataDate;
use Vnetby\Schemaorg\Types\Thing\Event\Event;

$event = new Event;

$date = $event->getStartDate();

*The classes from the DataTypes namespace are implemented to provide a clearer understanding of the data types associated with properties.