
Gravatar for CakePHP 2.x

0.0.1 2014-10-27 13:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 05:57:01 UTC


This is a simple Gravatar plugin for CakePHP 2.0 and above.


To install, either clone this repository or add it add a submodule to your project. Both are done in a command line client from the root of your project.

Cloning the repository

The simplest way is to clone the respository. The command for this is:

~ git clone git@github.com:martinbean/cakephp-gravatar-plugin.git app/Plugin/Gravatar

Adding as a submodule

Alternatively, you can add the plugin as a submodule to your project if it’s already version-controlled with Git. To do this, run the following commands:

~ git submodule add git@github.com:martinbean/cakephp-gravatar-plugin.git app/Plugin/Gravatar
~ git submodule init

For more information on submodules in Git, read http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules.

Using the helper

To use the helper, first enable the plugin in your /app/Config/bootstrap.php file by adding the following line to the bottom:


Alternatively, you can just use the following if you have many plugins:


The first step is to enable it in your controllers:

class AppController extends Controller {

    public $helpers = array(
        // and any other helpers you need app-wide

And then call it in your views:

    echo $this->Gravatar->image('someone@example.com', array('size' => 80));

All you have to do is pass an email address as the first parameter. You do not need to manually hash it as the plugin takes care of that.