
Quick url router filter for routes with regular expressions that don't span multiple url pieces

dev-master 2017-01-16 07:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 18:03:18 UTC


Quick url router filter for routes with regular expressions that don't span multiple url pieces.

It takes an partial of this format: a/b/c/d

And an array of routes with or without regular expressions:




In this case the list will become


You can plug this in your favourite router that handles regular expressions matching - it will look at maching one rule instead of 3.

With a few hundred or thousand rules there is a noticeable increase in speed.

As long as your regular expressions don't span different url pieces (cointain slashes in them) you can use them. For instance this is not a good url to be used with this library: some/url{[0-9]/data}/download


  • composer install with minimum-stability set at dev
  • download the src/Filter.php and uset it


See test/FilterTest.php or test_random_benchmark/bench.php for usage examples


Take a look into test_random_benchmark:. With 1000 random urls with 5-7 pieces of [a-z] or {regexp}, it takes around 2ms (0.0002s) to filter very obvious non-matching rules.

Work in progress

Improvements to follow

  • add more filtering
  • better readme :)
  • logging (although not sure it's needed?)

Any feedback is welcome