
WHOIS information about any '.ar' (Argentina) domain name

0.2.0 2014-03-10 12:35 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 07:16:56 UTC


The NicAr\Client Composer package allows to you programatically extract information about any ".ar" (Argentina) domain name. This package is also the official PHP client for the public nic!alert API.


The easiest way is to install it as any Composer package. Just add an entry to your composer.json file requiring the latest available version:

"require": {
  "vivaserver/nic_ar": "dev-master"

The package will be automatically installed when you execute the composer install command.

Installation without Composer

If for some reason you want to install the NicAr\Client without the Composer package manager, there are two relevant files you need:

  1. Agent.php
  2. Client.php

Having both files on the PHP include path, you can require both on that order before creating an instance of the client:

require 'Agent.php';
require 'Client.php';
$client = new NicAr\Client;


Create a new instance of the NicAr\Client after requiring the Composer autoloader and you should be ready to go.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new NicAr\Client;

The NicAr\Client class constructor has two initialization options, both optional:

  1. The first is a string that can be set to an API token to by-pass the CAPTCHA challenge that the website sometimes requests you to solve before answering your domain lookup. Please refer to the nic!alert API official documentation for more details.

     $client = new NicAr\Client("234d3cdf979e04db3d709ed8");
  2. The second is a boolean option for setting the responses to objects or associative arrays formats. By default the responses will be returned in an object format, just like the json_decode function would. To set it to an associative array format, pass the TRUE argument:

     $client = new NicAr\Client(NULL, TRUE);

All the following usage examples will consider responses with an associative array format.

Domain lookups

The NicAr\Client supports lookups for domain names. First, find out what kind of domain names you are allowed to lookup.

$domains = $client->whois();

A typical response would be:

  [0] =>
  [1] =>
  [2] =>
  [3] =>
  [4] =>
  [5] =>
  [6] =>

All the following lookups will raise a NicAr\NotFound exception if the requested resource could not be found.

$domains = $client->whois("");

The response for an existing, registered, delegated domain would be like this:

  [status] => Array
      [available] => 
      [delegated] => 1
      [expiring] => 
      [phasing_out] => 
      [pending] => 
      [registered] => 1
  [name] =>
  [created_on] => 2004-11-18
  [expires_on] => 2014-11-18
  [message] => 
  [contacts] => Array
      [registrant] => Array
          [name] => Cristian Renato Arroyo
          [occupation] => Diseno de Paginas Web
          [address] => Pje. Vucetich 676. Ciudad De Nieva
          [city] => S. S. de Jujuy
          [province] => Jujuy
          [zip_code] => 4600
          [country] => Argentina
          [phone] => (0388)155827713
          [fax] => (0388)155827713
      [responsible] => 
      [administrative] => 
      [technical] => 
  [name_servers] => Array
      [primary] => Array
          [host] =>
          [ip] => 
      [secondary] => Array
          [host] =>
          [ip] => 
      [alternate1] => Array
          [host] =>
          [ip] => 
      [alternate2] => Array
          [host] =>
          [ip] => 
      [alternate3] => Array
          [host] =>
          [ip] => 

Check a domain status

You can also check if a given domain name resolves OK to it's name servers, thus effectively know if it's available online or not.


A successful response would be like:

  [status] => Array
      [domain] =>
      [online] => 1
      [offline] => 
      [ip] =>
      [host] =>

But also note that a domain name without the "www." may or may not resolve in the same way.


A successful response would be like:

  [status] => Array
      [domain] =>
      [online] => 1
      [offline] => 
      [ip] =>
      [host] =>

Full API reference

The full documentation of the public nic!alert API is available at if you want to write your own client, use any other language, or just use CURL in a RESTful way.


This software is released under the MIT License.


©2014 Cristian R. Arroyo