
A Glide Service Provider for Laravel

1.0.6 2015-07-09 07:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 20:40:07 UTC


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This package provides a Service Provider that allows you to very easily integrate Glide into a Laravel project.

Glide is a easy on-demand image manipulation library written in PHP. It's part of the League of Extraordinary Packages.

Using this package you'll be able to generate image manipulations on the fly and generate URL's to those images. These URL's will be signed so only you will be able to specify which manipulations should be generated. Every manipulation will be cached.

It's also possible to generate an image manipulation separately and store it wherever you want.

Laravel compatibility

Laravel laravel-glide
4.2.x 1.x
5.x 2.x

Version 2.x with Laravel 5 compatibility will be released february 2015.


You can install the package through Composer.

composer require spatie/laravel-glide

You must install this service provider.

// Laravel 4: app/config/app.php

'providers' => [

This package also comes with a facade, which provides an easy way to generate images.

// Laravel 4: app/config/app.php

'aliases' => [
    'GlideImage' => 'Spatie\Glide\GlideImageFacade',

You can publish the config file of the package using artisan.

php artisan config:publish spatie/laravel-glide

The config file looks like this:

return [
     * Glide will search for images in this directory
    'source' => [
        'path' => storage_path('images'),

     * The directory Glide will use to store it's cache
     * A .gitignore file will be automatically placed in this directory
     * so you don't accidentally end up committing these images
    'cache' => [
        'path' => storage_path('glide-cache'),

     * URLs to generated images will start with this string
    'baseURL' => 'img',

     * The maximum allowed total image size in pixels
    'maxSize' => 2000 * 2000

The options in the config file are set with sane default values and they should be self-explanatory.


###Generating an image on the fly

Assuming you've got an image named "kayaks.jpg" in app/storage/images (the input directory specified in the config file) you can use this code in a blade view:

<img src="{{ GlideImage::load('kayaks.jpg')->modify(['w'=> 50, 'filt'=>'greyscale']) }}" />

The arguments for modify can also be used as a second (optional) argument for load:

<img src="{{ GlideImage::load('kayaks.jpg', ['w'=> 50, 'filt'=>'greyscale']) }}" />

The function will output a signed URL to a greyscale version of kayaks.jpg that has a width of 50 pixels. As soon as the URL gets hit by your browser, the image will be generated on the fly. The generated image will be saved in app/storage/glide-cache (= the cache directory specified in the input file).

Take a look at the image API of Glide to see which parameters you can pass to the modify-method.

###Generating an image directly on the server It's also possible to generate an image manipulation separately and store it wherever you want.

Assuming you've got an image named "kayaks.jpg" in app/storage/images (the input directory specified in the config file):

	->modify(['w'=> 50, 'filt'=>'greyscale'])

Take a look at the image API of Glide to see which parameters you can pass to the modify-method.


Cleaning the cache

For the moment Glide doesn't clean the cache directory, but that functionality may be coming in a future release. Until then it's your job to keep an eye on it's total size. If it becomes too big, you can opt to delete the files inside it.

Other filesystems

Currently this package only supports images stored on the local filesystem. Glide itself leverages Flysystem to read and write to various filesystems. I'd like support for that in this package let me know or feel free to submit a pull request.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.