Helper library for communicating with the Roblox Grid Service.

v1.0.1 2024-05-12 08:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-13 10:06:14 UTC


This library allows for communication between the Virtubrick website and the Roblox Grid Service.


The Rcc\Job class is the first thing you should be constructing. All functions to interact with the Grid Service are called from here.


  • string $id (An RFC 4122 compliant Version 4 UUID will be substituted as the job ID if this is a blank string)
  • int $expirationInSeconds (20)
  • int $cores (0)
  • int $category (0)


  • arbiter(Virtubrick\Grid\GridService): Job Sets the arbiter that the Job will contact. Returns itself so these functions may be chained.
  • script(Virtubrick\Grid\Rcc\LuaScript): Job Sets the script that the Job opens with. Returns itself so these functions may be chained.
  • batch(): array Will batch the Job. Returns results from the lua script.
  • open(): array Will open the Job. Returns results from the lua script.
  • execute(\Virtubrick\Grid\Rcc\LuaScript $input): array Executes a script on the job. Returns result from the executed script.
  • renewLease(int $expiration): array Renews the lease on the Job for $expiration amount of seconds.
  • closeJob(): array Closes the job.


Class that allows easy communication for scripts via the Job class.


  • string $name
  • string $script
  • array $arguments (Empty array by default)


This class describes your arbiter.



  • soapCall(string $name, ?array $args = null): array Sends a soap call to the Arbiter service. See RCCService.wsdl for details.

Example Usage:

Generating a Thumbnail

use Virtubrick\Grid\GridService;
use Virtubrick\Grid\Rcc\{Job, LuaScript};

$job = (new Job($jobId = '', $expirationInSeconds = 120))
		->arbiter(new GridService(''))
		->script(new LuaScript(
			$name = "RenderThumbnail {$key}",
			$script = $script,
			$arguments = $arguments

[$renderB64, $assetDependencies] = $job->batch();

header('x-asset-dependencies', implode(',', $assetDependencies));

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