
Encrypted Images PHP is a PHP library designed for encrypting text into images and decrypting images back into text.

dev-main 2023-10-13 06:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-13 07:59:36 UTC


Author: Bruce Bates
Copyright: 2023
X: @thebrucebates


Encrypted Images PHP is distributed under the MIT License. License


composer require viraladmin/encrypted_images_php

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Supported Characters
  3. Min and Max Characters
  4. Security
  5. Watermarks
  6. Functions


Encrypted Images PHP is a PHP library designed for encrypting text into images and decrypting images back into text.

Supported Characters

The library supports the following characters:

  • Lowercase letters (a-z)
  • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
  • Equal sign (=)
  • Backslash ()
  • Plus sign (+)

Please note that space (" ") is not included in the supported characters.

Min and Max Characters

  • Minimum Characters: 10
  • Maximum Characters: 5,006,512 (memory exhaustion)
    • Please note that memory exhaustion may occur much earlier when converting encrypted text to images.


This library is secure (as much as php can be) against encryption timing attacks.


Encrypted Images PHP supports various watermarks that you can embed into the images. You can choose from the following watermark types:

  • Ethereum
  • Bitcoin
  • Cardano
  • None


Text Encryption

Encrypt a string using AES-128-CBC encryption and verify integrity to protect against timing attacks.


  • $str (string): The input string to be encrypted.
  • $key (string, optional): The encryption key. Default is "welovenfts".


  • (string|false): The encrypted string or false if encryption fails or integrity check fails.

Example Usage:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use encrypted_images_php\encryption\text;

// Initialize the class
$textEncryptor = new text();

// Encrypt a string
$encryptedString = $textEncryptor->encrypt("Your secret message", 'encryption-key');

// Check if encryption was successful
if ($encryptedString !== false) {
    // Proceed with the encrypted data
} else {
    // Handle the encryption failure

Image Encryption

Encrypt a string and embed it into an image with a watermark.


  • $str (string): The input string to be encrypted.
  • $watermark (string, optional): The watermark type (e.g., 'ethereum', 'bitcoin', 'cardano').
  • $key (string, optional): The encryption key. Default is "welovenfts".
  • $r (int, optional): Top gradient adjustment.
  • $g (int, optional): Middle gradient adjustment.
  • $b (int, optional): Bottom gradient adjustment.


  • (string): Base64-encoded image containing the encrypted data.

Example Usage:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use encrypted_images_php\encryption\images;

// Initialize the class
$imageEncryptor = new images();

// Encrypt a string and embed it into an image with a watermark
$imageData = $imageEncryptor->encryptToImage("Your secret message", 'ethereum', 'encryption-key', 100, 134, 131);

// Display or use the base64-encoded image data as needed
echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . $imageData . '" alt="Encrypted Image" />';

Text Decryption

Decrypt an encrypted text and return the original plaintext.


  • $text (string): The encrypted text to be decrypted.
  • $key (string, optional): The decryption key. Default is "welovenfts".


  • (string|array): Original plaintext or an error message.

Example Usage:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use encrypted_images_php\decryption\text;

// Initialize the class
$textDecryptor = new text();

// Decrypt an encrypted text
$decryptedText = $textDecryptor->decrypt($encryptedText, 'decryption-key');

if ($decryptedText !== 'error') {
    // Proceed with the original plaintext
} else {
    // Handle the decryption error

Image Decryption

Decrypt data from an image and return the original plaintext.


  • $fileData (string): The image data or file path.
  • $key (string, optional): The decryption key. Default is "welovenfts".
  • $datatype (string, optional): The data type, either "web" or "json".


  • (string|array): An error message if decryption fails or the original plaintext.

Example Usage:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use encrypted_images_php\decryption\images;

// Initialize the class
$imageDecryptor = new images();

// Decrypt data from an image
$decryptedText = $imageDecryptor->decryptFromImage($imageData, 'decryption-key', 'web');

if (!is_string($decryptedText)) {
    // Proceed with the original plaintext
} else {
    // Handle the decryption error