
Redis Client Generator for the League's PHP OAuth 2.0 server

1.0.0 2016-03-21 13:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-27 23:18:26 UTC


alt tag

Redis Client Generator to be used with ThePhpLeague's OAuth2 Package

Quick Reference



Use the command:

composer require vinelab/oauth-clients-generator-redis

otherwise, add:

"vinelab/oauth-clients-generator-redis": "dev-master"

to your composer.json file and do a composer update.


Client Generator comes with a handy command line tool for usage straight from the command line. Once you install using composer an oauth binary will be in your vendor/bin/. To make things easier you can run

export PATH="./vendor/bin:$PATH" to use oauth straight instead of ./vendor/bin/oauth

use oauth list for a list of available commands and oauth --help [command] for more info about each of them.

  • oauth
    • Options
      • clients:create: Create a new client
      • clients:delete: Delete a specific client
      • clients:list: List all available clients
      • clients:fetch: Fetch a specific client
        • --show-secret: Show a specific client's secret
      • clients:regenerate-secret: Re-generate a client's secret

Create Client

In order to create a new client, use the command:

oauth clients:create {name} {password} {redirect_uri = ''} {grantType = 'client_credentials'},


name => The name of the application [REQUIRED],

password => A password to use when you need to delete a client or re-generate his secret [REQUIRED],

redirect_uri => The redirect URI you want to make use of [OPTIONAL],

grantType => The grant type you want to use [OPTIONAL]

Delete Client

In order to delete a specific client, use the command:

oauth clients:delete {client_id} {password},


client_id => The client's id [REQUIRED],

password => The password the user used when created the client [REQUIRED]

List Clients

In order to list all available clients, use the command:

oauth clients:list.

Fetch Client (or client's secret)

In order to fetch a specific client or just fetch a client's secret, use the command:

oauth clients:fetch {client_id},


client_id => The client's id [REQUIRED],

and in case you want to fetch a specific user's secret, you can use the --show-secret flag in the command:

eg. oauth clients:fetch {client_id} --show-secret {password}


password => The password the user used when created the client [REQUIRED]

Re-generate Client's Secret

In order to re-generate a specific client's secret, use the command:

oauth clients:regenerate-secret {client_id} {password},


client_id => The client's id [REQUIRED],

password => The password the user used when created the client [REQUIRED]