vikasrinvi / laravel-bug-watcher
to send the mail when error occured
Requires (Dev)
- orchestra/testbench: dev-develop
- pestphp/pest: 2.x-dev
This is package is made for the developer. It sends the error message in email whenever there is any bug in the application and also create a clickup task in the clickup.
- Send Email with the details of the bug.
- Create a task in the clickUp with bug report
Future Scope
- Can be integrated with the AI like chatgpt to which can provide the optimum solution for the bug.
- We can store the error log and create a UI with some route so that all the previous bug on the system can be tracked
- PHP >= 8.1
- Laravel >= 9.0
Run the following command
composer require vikasrinvi/laravel-bug-watcher
After updating composer, add the service provider to the providers array in config/app.php
you can skip adding the provider to config/app.php as it will be auto-discovered
Then in app/Exceptions/Handler.php replace
use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;
use Vikasrinvi\LaravelBugWatcher\ErrorHandler as ExceptionHandler;
To publish the config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Vikasrinvi\LaravelBugWatcher\LaravelBugWatcherServiceProvider" --tag="config"
That will create a config file for you in config/laravel-bug-watcher.php
Default configuration:
'ErrorEmail' => [ 'email' => true, 'dontEmail' => [], 'throttle' => true, 'throttleCacheDriver' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'), 'throttleDurationMinutes' => 5, 'dontThrottle' => [], 'globalThrottle' => true, 'globalThrottleLimit' => 20, 'globalThrottleDurationMinutes' => 30, 'toEmailAddress' => null, 'fromEmailAddress' => null, 'emailSubject' => config(''). " :- Error Occured " ], 'ClickUp' =>[ 'createTask' => true, 'token' => env('CLICKUP_ACCESS_TOKEN', null), 'team_name' => env('CLICKUP_TEAM_NAME', null), 'folder_name' =>env('CLICKUP_FOlDER_NAME', null), 'folder_id' => env('CLICKUP_FOlDER_ID', null), 'list_name' => env('CLICKUP_LIST_NAME', null), 'list_id' => env('CLICKUP_LIST_ID', null) ]
Basic Usage
Basic Config of clickup task
- createTask (bool) - Enable or disable creating task in the clickup.
- token (string) - Token from the clickup
- Team name (string) - Team name is the team in which the project is created we need to get it from the click, it it also the workspace name
- Folder name (string) - This is the project name in the click up
- list name - It is task parent of the task under which task will be created in the clickup Important: There should be a Status under the list call 'BACKLOG' and ther should a label create with the name 'bug.
Basic Config of email
email (bool) - Enable or disable emailing of errors/exceptions
dontEmail (array) - This works exactly like laravel's $dontReport variable documented here:]#the-exception-handler under Ignoring Exceptions By Type. Keep in mind also any exceptions under laravel's $dontReport also will not be emailed
throttle (bool) - Enable or disable throttling of exception emails. Throttling is only performed if its been determined the exact same exception/error has already been emailed by checking the cache. Errors/Exceptions are determined to be unique by exception class + exception message + exception code
throttleCacheDriver (string) - The cache driver to use for throttling, by default it uses CACHE_DRIVER from your env file
throttleDurationMinutes (int) - The duration in minutes of the throttle for example if you put 5 and a BadMethodCallException triggers an email if that same exception is thrown again it will not be emailed until 5 minutes have passed
dontThrottle (array) - This is the same as dontEmail except provide a list of exceptions you do not wish to throttle ever even if throttling is turned on
globalThrottle (bool) - Enable or disable whether you want to globally throttle the number of emails you can receive of all exception types by this application
globalThrottleLimit (int) - The the maximum number of emails you want to receive in a given period.
throttleDurationMinutes (int) - The duration in minutes of the global throttle for example if you put in 30 and have 10 for your globalThrottleLimit when the first email is sent out a 30 minute timer will commence once you reach the 10 email threshold no more emails will go out for that 30 minute period.
toEmailAddress (string|array) - The email(s) to send the exceptions emails to such as the dev team
fromEmailAddress (string) - The email address these emails should be sent from such as
emailSubject (string) - The subject of email, leave NULL to use default Default Subject: Error Occured config('', 'unknown').' ('.config('app.env', 'unknown').')'
Note: the dontReport variable from app/Exceptions/Handler.php file will also not be emailed as it's assumed if they are not important enough to log then they also are not important enough to email
Important: You must fill out a toEmailAddress and fromEmailAddress or you will not receive emails.
Advanced Usage
Changing the view
If you published your view using the command below you will be able to change the look of the exception email by modifying your view in resources/views/vendor/laravel-bug-watcher/emailException.blade.php follow this to publish the view and the you can modify it
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Vikasrinvi\LaravelBugWatcher\LaravelBugWatcherServiceProvider" --tag="views"
Important notes
Make sure you have configured your Mail setting in the env so that Mail can be send