
Helper library to manage different types of discounts and calculate the relational data

1.0.0 2022-10-08 21:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-09 00:46:47 UTC


Helper library for calculating discounts in a application.


This library are developed to PHP 8.1, use Enum so it's not possible using in previously versions, if you like you can put a PR to make compatible with previous versions.. composer install vgpastor/discounts-calculator


Yo can see how to use in example.php file.

Required parameter are

  • $type: Type of discount. Can be 'percentage' or 'amount' and based in base amount or in total amount (see DiscountTypeEnum)
  • $base (float) - Base price
  • $discount (float) - Discount percentage or amount

Optional parameters are

  • $tax (float) - Tax percentage By default is 0%
  • $precision (int) - Precision of the result. By default is 2
  • $roundingMode (int) - Rounding mode. By default is PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP