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Pick words from directory according to conditions

1.1.1 2023-03-27 00:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-27 02:54:35 UTC


Pick words from directory according to conditions:

  • the letter is in a word in a defined place;
  • the letter is in a word in a undefined place;
  • the letter is missing from a word.
use Vgip\Wordle\Pick\Pick;
use Vgip\Wordle\Pick\LetterConfigFactory;

/** Get directory of words as array - see example/words_en_5_letter.txt for example */
$pathWords = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [__DIR__, 'words_en_5_letter.txt']);
$wordList = file($pathWords);

/** Set conditions to pick of words */
$letterList = [];
$letterList['x'] = false; // The letter "x" is missing from a word.
$letterList['a'] = LetterConfigFactory::factory('defined', [2]); // Set that the letter "a" is in the word in 2nd place
$letterList['n'] = LetterConfigFactory::factory('undefined', [3, 5]); // Set that the letter "n" is not in the word in 3nd and 5nd places

$pick = new Pick();
$candidateList = $pick->getCandidate($wordList, $letterList);
$resultLog = $pick->getResultLog(); 


If set True will be skipped all words with duplicate letters. False set as default.



If set to true, all word selection actions will be logged. False set as default.

$candidateList = $pick->getCandidate($wordList, $letterList);
$resultLog = $pick->getResultLog();