v1.4.0 2023-07-06 07:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 10:01:03 UTC


This is a simple PHP MVC framework without too much dependencies that you don't need.


  1. PHP 7^
  2. MYSQL
  3. MSSQL
  4. SQLite

Getting Started

  1. Download the latest release or install via composer [composer create-project vgalvoso/spm].
  2. Configure your database in app/Config/Database.php.
  3. Make sure the project is located inside your web server's root directory.
  4. Now you can create Controllers,Views and Models.


Creating routes is easy in SPM.

Open routes.php.

Add your new route.

use App\Controller\Home;


To get data from POST request, use post() function

use App\Controller\Home;

//post(route name,class,static function to call)

To get data from GET request, use get() function

use App\Controller\Home;

//get(route name,class,static function to call)

To call cli use cli() function

//routes.php sample


Controllers responds to hyperlinks,form actions and url inputs.

  • Controllers are stored in app/Controller
  • Controllers class name must be the same as the file name.

Lets create the function for the "post" route in Home controller.

public static function samplePost($post_data){
    //now you can get values from POST request
    //sample: $username = $post_data["username"];

And for our "get" route.

public static function sampleGet($get_data){
    //now you can get values from GET request
    //sample: $id = $get_data["user_id"];


Views shows information to the user.

  • Views are stored in app/Views
  • Use snake case for naming views (sample: main_page.php)
  • You can create subfolders to organize your view files.

Let's use our view for Home controller(home route)

public static function index()

You can pass data to view. (Must be an associative array)

public static function index()
    $data = ["header" => "Simple MVC Framework",
            "sub_header" => "Just what you need!"];

Keys from the array will be converted into variables that you can use in the views

<div class="full-screen column center">
    <h1 class="text-banner center-text"> <?= $header ?> </h1>
    <h1 class="text-header"> <?= $sub_header ?> </h1>


Models are used for CRUD(Create,Update,Delete) operations and SPM made that easy.

  • SPM currently supports Transactional Databases (MySql and MsSql).
  • Models are stored in app/Model
  • Model extends app/Libraries/Model.php

Initialize our model

When we don't place parameter, our model will use the default database.

$home_model = new HomeModel();

Use other database that is configured in app/Config/Database.php

$home_model = new HomeModel("ms");

We can also use other database even it is not declared in Database.php

$home_model = new HomeModel(null,$host,$user,$pass,$dbname,$driver(mysql/mssql));

Select single item

public function getUser(){
    $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1";
    return $this->getItem($query);

Select multiple items

public function getAllUsers(){
    $query = "SELECT * FROM users";
    return $this->getItems($query);

Anti SQL Injection

public function validateUser($username,$password){
    $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :uname AND pass = :pass";
    $params = ["uname" => $username, "pass"=>$password];
    return $this->getItem($query,$params);

To Insert data create an assoc array and use table field names as array keys

public function addUser($username,$password,$firstname){
    $params = ["u_username"=>$username,
        return true;
    return false;

To Delete data use exec() function

public function deleteUser($userId){
    $params = ["id" => $userId];
    $query = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id = :id";

To Update data use exec() function

public function updateUser($firstname,$userId){
    $query = "UPDATE users SET firstname = :firstname WHERE id = :userId";
    $params = ["firstname" => $firstname,"userId"=>$userId];
    return $this->exec($query,$params);

Start Transaction

//inside your model





Everytime we use our Model functions and it fails, we can get the error


We can also see what is the database driver we are currently using.


And we can also get the last inserted id
