
A simple vue component generator using make:v-component artisan command in Laravel.

1.0 2018-03-22 06:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 12:18:38 UTC


Laravel 5+ Vue Component Generator Latest Stable Version License StyleCI

A simple vue component generator using make:v-component artisan command in Laravel.


composer require verzatiletom/vcomponent

For Laravel 5.4 and below, paste this to your config/app.php inside your providers array.



php artisan make:v-component {name} {--dir}


php artisan make:v-component DemoComponent

It will generate a DemoComponent.vue file in the resources/assets/js directory by default.

Specify the location

php artisan make:v-component DemoComponent --dir js/components

By specifying the --dir option, it will generate your .vue file on the your specified directory. In this example, it will generate your vue component in assets/js/components directory.