
VerifyMyContent Identity Check API SDK

2.2.0 2024-06-11 16:23 UTC


PHP SDK to use VerifyMyContent Identity-Check OAuth service.


composer require verifymycontent/identity-check

Get Started

The main class to handle the moderation integration process is the \VerifyMyContent\IdentityCheck\VMC. It will abstract the HMAC generation for the API calls.

Start an Identity Verification

require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php");

$vmc = new \VerifyMyContent\IdentityCheck\VMC(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET'));

try {
    $response = $vmc->createIdentityVerification([
            "customer" => [
                "id" => "YOUR-CUSTOMER-UNIQUE-ID",
                "email" => "",
                "phone" => "+4412345678"
            "redirect_uri" => "",
            "webhook" => "",
    // save $response->id if you want to save the verification of your customer

    // redirect user to check identity
    header("Location: {$response->redirect_uri}");
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo $e;

Retrieve Identity Verification by ID

Retrieves a specific identity verification to get current status.

  • Pass the id of the identity verification to the getIdentityVerification method.
  • Receive an \VerifyMyContent\SDK\IdentityVerification\Entity\Responses\GetIdentityVerificationResponse (library used internally by this sdk).
require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php");

$vmc = new \VerifyMyContent\IdentityCheck\VMC(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET'));

$response = $vmc->getIdentityVerification("YOUR-IDENTITY-VERIFICATION-ID");

// Printing current status
echo "Status: {$response->status}";

Receive an Identity Verification Webhook

Receive a webhook from VerifyMyContent when the identity verification status changes.

  • Receive a webhook from VerifyMyContent with the $_POST data that can be parsed using method parseIdentityVerificationWebhookPayload.
require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php");

$vmc = new \VerifyMyContent\IdentityCheck\VMC(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET'));

$jsonPayload = '{
  "id": "ABC-123-5678-ABC",
  "customer_id": "customer_id",
  "status": "pending"
$data = json_decode($jsonPayload, true);
$webhook = $vmc->parseIdentityVerificationWebhookPayload($data);

// Printing current status
echo "Status: {$webhook->status} received from verification {$webhook->id}";

// This is how you can check if the identity verification is approved.
if ($webhook->status === \VerifyMyContent\SDK\IdentityVerification\IdentityVerificationStatus::APPROVED) {
    // do your thing

Add allowed redirect urls

Update the list of allowed redirect urls

require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php");

$vmc = new \VerifyMyContent\IdentityCheck\VMC(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET'));

  $vmc->addAllowedRedirectUrls(["", ""]);
  echo "Urls replaced with success";
}catch(Exception $e){
  echo "Error";

Remove allowed redirect urls

Remove allowed redirect urls from the list

require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php");

$vmc = new \VerifyMyContent\IdentityCheck\VMC(getenv('VMC_API_KEY'), getenv('VMC_API_SECRET'));

  echo "Urls removed with success";
}catch(Exception $e){
  echo "Error";