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dev-master 2018-01-26 09:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 18:25:26 UTC


As magento promise, Magento 2 GA is going to be officially released in the next few weeks. To be the leading magento theme provider, we make an efforts to release the highly advanced and most modern magento theme. Today we are proud to annouce that our first magento 2.0 theme- Ves Yume is offically released

This Free magento 2.0 theme – Ves Yume is not only fully responsive but it also comes with amazing features such as: Off Canvas Menu & Header Link, Font Awesome, Ajax Cart, Gallery image product detail, Checkout Improvements, Inherite from magento 2.0 blank theme & use Magento 2.0 UI, Combine with Bootstrap 3.x Layout Components.

We are creating new magento 2 theme. Please follow venustheme on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus to get new updates.

1. Documentation

2. How to install Theme

Download and Upload the Theme Once you have download the Magento 2 theme of your choice, you will receive a zipped version. Unzip it and upload the files to the public root directory of your Magento 2 store.

Note: You can use FileZilla for it too.

Connect Store with SSH Now go to the root directory of your store via SSH.

Upgrade the setup by running this command:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Now deploy the static content by running this command:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Activate the Theme Navigate to CONTENT → Configuration from the Admin Panel of your store.

Click on Edit to apply the theme.

Here, you can change and activate your theme. Select your theme from Applied Theme option and then just click on Save Configuration.

Go to the web browser and launch your store, and you will be greeted with your newly applied theme.

Wrapping Up Every ecommerce store has some requirements that makes it successful, and your store’s theme is one of them. You can easily install and theme on your Magento 2 if you follow the tutorial above. But if you want, you can also create your own custom theme in Magento 2.

If you have any confusion or you think I have missed anything, use the comment box below!

View detail:

3. What make people fall in love with the extensions

Be One of Our Responsive Magento 2 Themes

Ves Yume is one of the first free magento 2 themes which is created with responsive design. No matter which devices shopper using, Ves Yume scale to fit perfectly.

Inherited from magento 2.0 blank theme & use Magento 2.0 UI

Our free magento 2 themes- Ves Yume is inherited from magento 2.0 blank theme. Also, it use Magento 2.0 UI

Combine with Bootstrap 3.x Layout Components

Are you looking for magento 2 theme with boostrap, Ves Yume will be a great choice

Ajax Cart

Ves Yume is updated with new ajax cart feature from magento 2.0. It’s really super fast and easy

Off Canvas Menu and Header Link

Not only responsive, Ves Yume also comes with off canvas menu and header link.

Gallery image product detail

Instead of small image thumbnail, Ves Yume offers image gallery in the prduct details page.

Font Awesome

We integrated Font Awesome into our this free magento 2 theme. It’s well made and super simple to use.

5 Checkout Improvements

There are 5 checkout improvement including: Automatic guest checkout, Prompts registered customers to log in, Order summary with product images, receiving shipping rates once information is provided, billing address not needed unless it’s required by payment solution.

LandOfCoder extensions on Magento Marketplace, Github