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dev-master 2018-01-26 09:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 18:18:37 UTC


Are you seeking free highly advanced quality magento sample for online clothing store? Today Venustheme offer you our Ves Shoppy – Best free magento themes 1.9 are ready to download.

Ves Shoppy is prominent with advanced theme setting, fully responsive design, Base on RWD theme + bootstrap 3.x, Product list by rules, Sass + Sass Fallback Structure, Ves Theme Setting, Ves Mega Menu, Ves Brand, Ajax Add to cart, Quick view Product, Color Swatches, Google font, Multilingual & RTL Ready, New Web Technology, Rich Snippets, Mobile Friendly Ready.

Being built on new amazing framework, Ves Shoppy definitely impress you. This theme has less custom code, css and module to make sure that it is fast and easy to use.

Last but not least, we offer you quickstart package that allow you to install in few minutes. Auto sample data installation empowers you to replicate our demo site in your existing Magento site easily. In order get the newest version, please don’t forget to come back frequently to download the latest one for free

1. Documentation

2. How to install Theme

Download and Upload the Theme Once you have download the Magento 2 theme of your choice, you will receive a zipped version. Unzip it and upload the files to the public root directory of your Magento 2 store.

Note: You can use FileZilla for it too.

Connect Store with SSH Now go to the root directory of your store via SSH.

Upgrade the setup by running this command:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Now deploy the static content by running this command:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Activate the Theme Navigate to CONTENT → Configuration from the Admin Panel of your store.

Click on Edit to apply the theme.

Here, you can change and activate your theme. Select your theme from Applied Theme option and then just click on Save Configuration.

Go to the web browser and launch your store, and you will be greeted with your newly applied theme.

Wrapping Up Every ecommerce store has some requirements that makes it successful, and your store’s theme is one of them. You can easily install and theme on your Magento 2 if you follow the tutorial above. But if you want, you can also create your own custom theme in Magento 2.

If you have any confusion or you think I have missed anything, use the comment box below!

View detail:

3. What make people fall in love with the extensions

Fully responsive free magento themes download

This responsive free magento theme scales to fit all major devices such as mobile, tablets, laptop, desktop, PC

Base on RWD theme + bootstrap 3.x

The theme is built on bootstrap 3.x and RWD layout & template.

Product list by rules

In the admin panel, there are options with which you can add and manage all sorts of promotions. You can set various conditions in order; this allows you to create more or less complex promotional rules depending on your preferences and needs.

Sass + Sass Fallback Structure

Thanks to based on rwd package theme, Ves Shoppy use it’s css and sass.

Ves Theme Setting

New theme setting let you manage the whole part theme organizationally. It allows to configure header, category, product page, product labels, owl carousel, cart page, fotter, compression, customization.

Ves Mega Menu

Ves mega menu builder let you to create a dynamic magento navigation. Besides, you can display your dynamic and professional categories in Mega Menu, Vertical Menu, Mobile Menu.

Brand Logo Slider

This brand logo slider let you display the brand logo in dynamic slider. Also, this module is easy to use and configure

Ajax Add to cart

Ajax Add To Cart allow you to add & remove products to the shopping cart directly from the products lists, details pages without reloading.

Quick view Product.

Quick view product help your shopper to purchase and choose the item without watting for loading.

Color Swatches

Ves Shoppy comes with configurable swatches – a new feature with lots of flexibility: color, size, fabric, and anything else Google font.

Multilingual & RTL Ready

Our free magento theme download is Multilingual right out of the box. Also, it is fully translated to 26 different kind of languages.

New Web Technologies

Ves Shoppy is built with the latest technology such as Bootstrap 3, SASS, Font Awesome 4, Google Fonts, CSS3, HTML5.

Rich Snippets

This free theme is optimized for SEO with clean and well structured code base, mobile friendly, CSS + JS compression that makes your site friendly with search engines

Mobile Friendly Ready

Have Check mobile friendly test? If yes, you will see that Ves Shoppy is mobile friendly ready.

LandOfCoder extensions on Magento Marketplace, Github