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dev-master 2018-01-26 09:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 19:10:57 UTC


Creative, inspiring, warm, with appetizing designs is how Ves Bakerop looks like. Aimed at making your visitor feel extremely hungry and desired so this theme is designed with chocolate colors, eye catching slider, neat and clean layout. It’s suited for your Bakery store, Café and restaurant, Fast food, Wine, Supermarket and other food related website. We are sure that it’s designed has hit the spot and your store will have the power of driving the audience. Especially, Ves Bakerop is built on Venus framework version 2.0 and bootstrap version 3.0 that makes your site look amazing on different screen size: laptop, Iphone, Ipad, tablets.

Ease of customization Magento theme Ves Bakerop is integrated that newest technology that support you to config mutiltheme, multistore, layout, language easily. Moreover, Live Theme Editor, Auto loading custom css files empowers you to customize theme directly without touching any code line. Ves Bakerop package is easy to use and customize; thus you can take full control of your website without efforts. With Quickstart package, you can quickly create a Magento ecommerce site in few minutes. Also, the auto sample data installation allows you to replicate our demo site in your existing Magento site.

1. Documentation

2. How to install Theme

Download and Upload the Theme Once you have download the Magento 2 theme of your choice, you will receive a zipped version. Unzip it and upload the files to the public root directory of your Magento 2 store.

Note: You can use FileZilla for it too.

Connect Store with SSH Now go to the root directory of your store via SSH.

Upgrade the setup by running this command:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Now deploy the static content by running this command:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Activate the Theme Navigate to CONTENT → Configuration from the Admin Panel of your store.

Click on Edit to apply the theme.

Here, you can change and activate your theme. Select your theme from Applied Theme option and then just click on Save Configuration.

Go to the web browser and launch your store, and you will be greeted with your newly applied theme.

Wrapping Up Every ecommerce store has some requirements that makes it successful, and your store’s theme is one of them. You can easily install and theme on your Magento 2 if you follow the tutorial above. But if you want, you can also create your own custom theme in Magento 2.

If you have any confusion or you think I have missed anything, use the comment box below!

View detail:

3. What make people fall in love with the extensions

Fully responsive

Ves Bakerop has a fully responsive design so it works and looks great on all screen sizes and devices from mobile phones to desktops

Stunning Slider

Ves Bakerop Slider will be one of the most attractive parts of your site. It is not only beautiful but it also easy to use. It will be a wise choice to choose this magento theme for food store

Live Theme editor

Until now, Live Theme Editor is one of the most powerful tools for redesigning theme without any coding knowledge. You can easily customize and instantly preview your Magento theme layout.

Quick view Product

Magento Quick View can truly help you to enhance the shopping experience for your online store. This module helps your shoppers quickly access to product preview in a click without reloading the whole site

Ves Brand

This feature supports you to display your client’s brands that make your site more adorable and reliable

Deals & Down count Timer

Ves Deals always make your shopper delight on the deals and discounts with down count timer offered to the best chance for you to boost sales.

Product Categories

This responsive Magento theme will show featured products from selected categories. From this categories, your shopper can find their favorite items at ease that promise to bring them more enjoyable shopping experience

Multilingual & RTL Ready

This feature is included to optimize your store. Thanks to this, standing out of the sameness will become easier.

New Web Technology

With the support of newest technologies such as Bootstrap 3, Font awesome 4, SASS, HTML5, CSS3, you can config, install, use without any efforts.

LandOfCoder extensions on Magento Marketplace, Github