
A simple Template Engine for PHP.

v0.1.0 2022-10-15 06:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-15 09:54:14 UTC


About Vengi/Engine

Vengi/Engine is a simple Template Engine for PHP. With vengi you can create your layouts and views in a simple and practical way, vengi is designed for small projects that are looking for something light, and easy to use and understand.


You can add this Library via composer.

composer require vengi/engine


Include the autoload.php:


Add Vengi:

use Vengi\Engine;
use Vengi\View;

Config work folders:

Engine::views(__DIR__.'/views'); // Set views path.
Engine::layouts(__DIR__.'/views/layouts'); // Set layouts path.

Note: By default, if you don't define the layouts path, the views/layouts path will be taken.

Set and Get Views

Define the view to use.


Get the view at index.


Layout – Sets the content area.

On the layout, add the following to define the main content area.


Layouts and Views.

To write php code without using the opening and closing tags in views and layouts, use {{ }} instead.

{{ //php code }} // This is equivalent to, <?php //php code ?>.

To do an echo.

{= 'Hello World' }} // This is equivalent to, <?= 'Hello World' ?>.

In the Views.

Once you have created the layouts or components to use (Note: components must not have @{Content}@, because it is not a layout), to add the layouts or components to the view, do the following:

Add the header of a selected layout.

{{ Layout::set('main.layout')->header() }}

Add the footer of a selected layout.

{{ Layout::set('main.layout')->footer() }}

Add the layout as a component.

{{ Layout::set('menu')->item() }}

Note: you can add different header and footer layouts. Example:

{{ Layout::set('main-1.layout')->header() }}
<h1>Sum of two numbers.</h1>
5+5 = {= 5+5 }}
{{ Layout::set('main-2.layout')->footer() }}

Pass Information to Views.

You can pass information to views through an associative array, on the view side you can access the information through a variable with the name of the key related to the corresponding value in the passed associative array.




In the View 'home':

<h1>Home View</h1>
Data: {= $key }}
Year: {= $number }}

Define a Custom Title on the View.

Add at the top of the view:

{{ Layout::title('MyTitle') }}

Add al in the Layout inside title tags:

    <title>{{ Layout::titles('PROVISIONAL_TITLE') }}</title>

Define a Custom HEAD Tags (META,JS,CSS) on the View.

Add at the top of the view:

{{ Layout::head('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#">') }}

Add al in the Layout inside title tags:

    {{ Layout::headCustom() }}