
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
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PHP Class to build queries for MySQL. Allows you to build chains of conditions. The goal of this class is to encapsulate PHP's interactions with MySQL to reduce errors in writing queries and make creating stored procedures simple.

2.1.2 2015-07-09 19:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-16 20:41:36 UTC


PHP Class to build queries for MySQL. Allows you to build chains of conditions. The goal of this class is to encapsulate PHP's interactions with MySQL to reduce errors in writing queries and make creating stored procedures simple.


This project requires PHP 5.5+ and MySQL


Getting Started: Examples and Documentation



Gets the Last Insert ID after you insert a row

Comparison List

->eq(field, value)

Compare the field to the value

->notEq(field, value)

Compare the field to the value and make sure it does not match

->eqConditional(field, value)

Compare the value to the value. If the value is an empty string, then this comparison will be dropped from the query silently


Compare the field to NULL


Compare the field to NOT NULL

->eqRequired(field, value)

Compare the field to the value. If the value is an empty string, then this will force an 1 = 0 in the query and cause the query to return no rows

->gt(field, value)

If the value greater than the field

->gte(field, value)

If the value greater than the field or equal to the field

->in(field, value)

Performs an IN clause, value can be String[], Subquery SQL, or another Select Class object

->notIn(field, value)

Inverse of in(). Performs an NOT IN clause, value can be String[], Subquery SQL, or another Select Class object

->like(field, value)

Wildcard search to see if the value is in the string. Defaults to adding left and right wildcard, only if % is not present in the value

->lt(field, value)

If the value less than the field

->lte(field, value)

If the value less than the field or equal to the field

Conjunction Groups


Begins an Or() condition grouping. All comparison after this are joined using OR rather than AND. All wrapped in parenthese


Ends a startOr() condition grouping


Default Grouping, only needed if inside of an Or() grouping. Begins an And() condition grouping. All comparison after this are joined using OR rather than AND. All wrapped in parenthese


Ends a startAnd() condition grouping. Cannot end the outer most grouping.

Sorting & Grouping


The GROUP BY value e.g. 'Date DESC' or 'LastName ASC, FirstName ASC'


The ORDER BY value e.g. 'LastName' or 'LastName, FirstName'


The Integer to offset the results by


The number of results to limit the return to