
Simple class which can be used to collect the PHP script memory usage information and to print all information.

dev-master 2020-05-14 15:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 10:35:11 UTC


Install the latest version with composer require vegagame/memory-stat


use vegagame\MemoryStat;

// Create new MemoryStat instance
$m = new MemoryStat(true);

// Example array
$a = array();
$b = array();
$c = array();

// Fill array with
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
  $a[$i] = uniqid();
// add first checkpoint
$m->addCheckpoint('first checkpoint');

// get current memory limit from ini_get('memory_limit')
echo 'Memory limit raw: '.$m->getMemoryLimitRaw().PHP_EOL; // 536870912
// get current memory limit formatted from ini_get('memory_limit')
echo 'Memory limit: '.$m->getMemoryLimit().PHP_EOL; // 512M
// get current memory usage
echo 'Current raw: '.$m->getCurrentRaw().PHP_EOL; // 1835008
// get current memory usage formatted
echo 'Current: '.$m->getCurrent().PHP_EOL; // 1.75M
// Fill array 
for ($i = 0; $i < 30000; $i++) {
  $b[$i] = uniqid();

// get peak Raw
echo 'Peak raw: '.$m->getPeakRaw().PHP_EOL; // 6815744
// get peak usage formatted
echo 'Peak: '.$m->getPeak().PHP_EOL; //  6.5M
// add new checkpoint
$m->addCheckpoint('second checkpoint');

// Fill array 
for ($i = 0; $i < 50000; $i++) {
  $c[$i] = uniqid();

// get current raw information
 * Array
 * (
 * [time] => 1415461726
 * [time_format] => 2014-11-08 16:48:46
 * [total] => 536870912
 * [current] => 15466496
 * [increase_from_last_percent] => 55.93
 * [total_percent] => 2.88
 * )
// get info formatted
echo 'Get current information: '.$m->getInfo().PHP_EOL; // Memory Stat [2014-11-08 16:48:46] | Usage: 14.75M (2.88%)
echo 'Get current information verbose : '.$m->getInfo(true).PHP_EOL; // Memory Stat [2014-11-08 16:48:46] | Memory Usage: 14.75M (2.88%)  | Memory Peak: 14.75M | Memory Total: 512M | Increase from last checkpoint 55.93%
echo 'Total information: '.PHP_EOL;
echo $m->getTotal(true); // verbose version
 * Memory Stat [2014-11-08 16:48:40] | Info: Memory Stat Start | Memory Usage: 256K (0.05%)  | Memory Peak: 14.75M | Memory Total: 512M | Increase from last checkpoint 0%
 * Memory Stat [2014-11-08 16:48:41] | Info: first checkpoint | Memory Usage: 1.75M (0.34%)  | Memory Peak: 14.75M | Memory Total: 512M | Increase from last checkpoint 85.71%
 * Memory Stat [2014-11-08 16:48:43] | Info: second checkpoint | Memory Usage: 6.5M (1.27%)  | Memory Peak: 14.75M | Memory Total: 512M | Increase from last checkpoint 73.08%
 * Memory Stat [2014-11-08 16:48:46] | Info: Memory Stat End | Memory Usage: 14.75M (2.88%)  | Memory Peak: 14.75M | Memory Total: 512M | Increase from last checkpoint 55.93%
// return all checkpoint array


Copyright (c) 2014 Denis Casanuova. See LICENSE for details.