
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the https://github.com/neostrada/neostrada-apiv2 package instead.

API client for the API of hosting company Neostrada

1.2.0 2018-01-17 11:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 13:11:07 UTC


Easily connect your own system to the Neostrada API using the Neostrada API client and your API credentials to automatically register and manage domainnames. This package is based on the original Neostrada API client but turned into a composer package and some code is changed.


This package requires PHP 5.6 and uses cUrl.


This package can be used in any PHP project or with any framework. The packages is tested in PHP 5.6 and 7.0.

You can install the package via composer:

composer require vdhicts/neostrada-api-client


Please refer to the examples for several examples for using this client and the Neostrada API. If you just need a quick start, use this:

use Vdhicts\Neostrada\Client;

// Start the client
$client = Client\Client::getInstance();

// Enter your API key and secret

// Prepare the request with the action and its parameters

// Perform the request
$xml = $client->execute();

// Turn the response into an array
$domainsResponse = $client->fetch();

Please note:

  • Every API call must be signed, the client will do this automatically. The API secret is used for this signature.
  • It is required to also include empty parameters in a request. For example, the getholders request has the optional holderids parameter. If you wish to retrieve all holders, create the request and set holderids to an empty string.


Any contribution is welcome, but it should meet the PSR-2 standard and please create one pull request per feature. In exchange you will be credited as contributor on this page.


If you discover any security related issues in this or other packages of Vdhicts, please email info@vdhicts.nl instead of using the issue tracker.


This package is based on the original Neostrada API client and therefor distributed under the BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) License.


This package isn't an official package from Neostrada, so they probably won't offer support for it. If you encounter a problem with this client, please open an issue on GitHub.

About vdhicts

Van der Heiden ICT services is the name of my personal company for which I work as freelancer. Van der Heiden ICT services develops and implements IT solutions for businesses and educational institutions.
