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Ibexa on Docker

Installs: 59

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0



0.1.1 2023-07-09 13:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 11:05:17 UTC


This helper repository sets up a new Ibexa DXP project for you with a pre-made Docker configuration to get you started quicker. The official Ibexa meta package installation is executed during install. Ibexa will be placed in the app folder. This repository acts as a wrapper that includes a docker development configuration around it.


  • Docker installed and running (brew install --cask docker)
  • Composer installed (brew install node)
  • Node (brew install node) and Yarn installed (npm install --global yarn)

Getting started

During installation, you will be prompted to enter your Ibexa credentials. You can get them in Ibexa's support panel. The official documentation has more details on credentials.

Store your Ibexa credentials globally composer config --global <installation-key> <token-password>. You will need to repeat this step (see below) inside the PHP container, so that composer can install additional dependencies or fetch updates.


Step 1: Pick one flavour of Ibexa. Exceute one of the following commands:

composer create-project vardumper/ibexa-on-docker <my-folder> # Installs Ibexa DXP Open Source (default)
composer create-project vardumper/ibexa-on-docker:dev-experience <my-folder> # Installs Ibexa DXP Experience
composer create-project vardumper/ibexa-on-docker:dev-commerce <my-folder> # Installs Ibexa DXP Commerce
composer create-project vardumper/ibexa-on-docker:dev-content <my-folder> # Installs Ibexa DXP Content

Step 2: Finalizing the installation

cd <my-folder> # change into the project folder
docker-compose up -d # this will start the containers
docker exec ibexa-php /bin/bash -c "cd /app;composer config --global <installation-key> <token-password>" # stored credentials in php container
docker exec ibexa-php /bin/bash -c "cd /app;composer req predis/predis" # add required package for redis
docker exec ibexa-php /bin/bash -c "cd /app;php bin/console ibexa:install" # initialize database, run migrations, finalize setup

Accessing the site

Frontend: http://localhost:8080 Backend: http://localhost:8080/admin/login The default credentials are username admin and password publish.

Whats included

As a personal preference I am using the bitnami images for Nginx, PHP and MariaDB.

  • Nginx v1.24.0
  • PHP-FPM v8.2.7
  • MariaDB v10.8.8
  • Elasticsearch v8.8.2
  • Redis v6.2

Making adjustments

If you want to run the containers on different ports, you can do so by adjusting the docker-compose.yml file. If you want to use different container images, feel free to make your adjustments in the docker-compose.yml file, as well.

It's yours

The project you just created is yours. It has already been initialized