
There is no license information available for the latest version (v2.0) of this package.

Get weather for a location

v2.0 2025-01-07 08:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 09:05:55 UTC


Display the current weather or a 7-day forecast for any lat/lon on earth.

Attention: This version (2) is a complete rewrite of the addon. Although it does the same: display a weather forecast; the used weatherprovider is different and some of the fields are renamed. So please pay attention when upgrading.

Visual Crossing

The weather data itself is coming from the Visual Crossing api. It's free for the first 1,000 records a day.


  1. Install add on through composer: composer require vannut/statamic-weather-addon "^2.0"
  2. Create an account at Visual Crossing.
  3. After signing in go to your account, you'll find a Key
  4. Go to your Statamic Control Panel and look for the Weather entry in the sidebar.
  5. Fill out the settings-form with your api-key and create a location to fetch the forecast for.
  6. Hit the fetch forecast button.
  7. Or Go to the Command line and perform the first initial fetch of your specific data: php artisan weather:fetchForecast

Renewing the forecast

Nothing is as changeable as the weather. Therefore this addon adds a hourly call to the scheduler of Statamic/Laravel. All you have to do is make sure the scheduler is run, by means of a cron-job. Take a look at Laravels documentation on this!


This addon does not provide any styling, it just caches the json response and passes the raw data through to the two tags.

You can find every field in the api-response on the api-docs of Visual Crossing.

Next to the data provided by the API, the addon adds a couple of nice additional fields:

{{ icon_fa }}           A fontawesome icon derived fron weather.0.icon
{{ wind_compass }}   Converted wind direction to N/S/SSW etc
{{ wind_bft }}       Wind speed in Beaufort
{{ uvi_color }}      Color representation of  the UV Index
{{ uvi_percentage }} Percentage where UVI 10 = 100%;
{{ fetched_at }}     Unix Epoch timestamp of the datetime when fetched from API

You'll have two tags to your disposal: {{ forecast }} and {{ current_weather }}

Simple 7 day forecast

With the {{ forecast }} tag you will be able to display a card per day with the forecast. It's a loop of different days in the forecast. Typically 7 or 15 days depending on the location.

Make sure you specify from which location you want the forecast:

<div class="flex bg-neutral-100">
    {{ forecast :locale="site" location-identifier="xyz123" }}
        <div class="rounded-xl bg-white">
            <div class="lining-nums p-4 text-center">
                {{ datetimeEpoch | iso_format("dddd") }}<br>
                {{ datetimeEpoch | iso_format("D MMM Y") }}<br>
            <div class="pb-4 text-5xl flex justify-center">
                <i class="fal {{ icon_fa }}"></i>
            <div class="pb-2 flex items-center justify-center">
                    {{ tempmax | round }}<span class="text-neutral-700">&deg;C</span>
                <div class="text-sm">
                    <span class="text-neutral-700">&nbsp;&nbsp; / </span>
                    {{ tempmin | round }}<span class="text-neutral-700">&deg;C</span>
            <div class="flex items-center justify-center pb-4">
                    <i class="fal fa-wind"></i>
                    {{ wind_compass }} {{ wind_bft  }}<span class="text-neutral-700">Bft</span>
    {{/forecast }}

Current weather

Want to display the current weather of your location? Use the {{ current_weather }} tag. As this is a json-collection you can get its data as following:

    {{ current_weather :locale="site" location-identifier="xyz123" }}
        <div class="bg-neutral-200 rounded-xl p-4 m-4">
            <div class="pb-4 text-5xl flex justify-center">
                <i class="fal {{ icon }}"></i>
                Current temperature: {{  temp }}<span class="text-neutral-700">&deg;C</span>
                Feels like: {{ feels_like }}<span class="text-neutral-700">&deg;C</span>
    {{ /current_weather }}

Compatible with Statamic v5 Addon on Packagist