
Easy bootstrap form builder in OOP PHP. You can generate forms from object oriented form building with PHP code.

v1.2.1 2015-07-24 11:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 19:26:51 UTC


Build status Codacy Badge


Bootstrap Form Building made easy in PHP.


You can install the package with Composer, check out composer on

Add the following to the required in the composer.json:

"valksystems/bootbuilder": ">=1.0.0"

Or execute the following composer command:

composer require 'valksystems/bootbuilder:1*'


Checkout the demo folder for demo's with the controls and different styles of forms


First of all, you have to create a Form object. There are 2 options right now. Just a normal form and a horizontal form (look at bootstrap page for more information).

To create a form use:

$form = BootBuilder::open();

// Horizontal Form
$horizontal = BootBuilder::openHorizontal();

On the form object you can set the properties of a normal form with the following methods:

setAction($action) // Set the action attribute
setClass($class) // set class (this will replace current class)
setId($id) // set the id of the form
setMethod($method) // set the method, either get or post

To add controls or panes to the form, use:


// Or when adding multiple controls/panes at the same time:
$form->addAll($pane1, $control, $submit);

On a horizontal form you can set 2 more parameters for the grid layout. To set the layout parameters, use the following methods:

$horizontal->setLabelCol($label_col) // for example col-md-3
$horizontal->setControlCol($control_col) // for example col-md-9


To render the form you simply call render(). You can also get the rendered HTML back with render(true).


You can use the following controls, in fully bootstrap styles:

  • Button
  • Submit (Button)
  • Checkbox
  • Radio
  • Text (input type=text)
  • Number (input type=number)
  • Email (input type=email)
  • TextArea
  • Hidden (input type=hidden)
  • Password (input type=password)
  • Select
Default operations on controls

To create a new control. Construct the class for the control with:

use \bootbuilder\Controls\Text;

$text = new Text("name");
// Or you can directly give it a label, ID and value with the optional constructor parameters
$text = new Text("name", "Please enter your name", "name_id", "Current Name");

On all the controls you can set the name, id, class(es), value, placeholder, label text, required (y/n), disabled (y/n), readonly (y/n), errorstate (y/n) and helptext with simple methods:

setId($id) // set the id of the control tag (<input>/<select>/etc)
setClass($class), addClass($class), removeClass($class) // Edit the current class(es)
setValue($value) // set the value of the control. (not filtered!!)
setPlaceholder($placeholder) // set the placeholder
setLabel($labeltext) // set the label text, for using when rendering in a supported form
setRequired($required) // set if the control is required (note, browser can be manipulated)
setDisabled($disabled) // set disabled state
setReadOnly($readonle) // set readonly state
setErrorState($errorstate) // set if the control is in error state
setHelpText($helptext) // set helptext for under the control

After creating you can either add it to a pane or to the form directly.


You can enter a custom type of input now, with the method setType($type)


On a TextArea object you can set the optional rows parameter with the method setRows($rows)


To set the data in the select control (the options), use the following method:

$options = array("key_value" => "Key Value");

The $options need to have an array with: [value] = "Readable text".


You can combine controls with panes, it's like an group with elements, but specific with the style it has. Currently there are 2 panes, StackPane and InlinePane

To create a pane and add controls to it use:

$pane = new StackPane("Label Here");


StackPane will combine elements, each on a new row. Just adding it below it.


InlinePane will make the supported controls (checkbox and radio) display with an in-line style. See for more information.


This project is under MIT License, see LICENSE file.


We are not resposible for any security problems, always check code before you are going to use it!