
PHP Library providing a fluent interface to generate small snippets of HTML


Validaide's HTML builder is a small library with a fluent interface to generate snippets of HTML code.


Alright, so some might say: "Why in God's name would you need such a thing!?". And indeed, we have, I don't know, awesome stuff like Twig, right!? And you are right! I ❤️ Twig! But in turns out our code base still finds itself with small helper methods that generate tiny snippets of HTML.

Take the example below:

public function userStateToIcon(User $user): string
  return sprintf('<span class="%s" id="%s" data-username="%s"></span>', strtolower($user->getState()), $user->getId(), $user->getUsername()):

Now, despite that the above can be optimized still, the last return statement is the one we are trying to simplify:

public function userStateToIcon(User $user): HTMLTag
  return HTML::create('span')

Now, in number of characters written, it is not necessarily faster, but it will ensure:

  1. Valid HTML is generated
  2. Safe HTML is generated
  3. Easier modification of the 'HTML' being built afterwards


Our big friend Composer to the rescue using Packagist of course:

composer require validaide/html-builder

❤️ Composer ❤️ Packagist


  1. Plain tag:
  2. Plain tag with content:
    HTML::create('h1')->text('Heading 1');
    <h1>Heading 1</h1>
  3. Nested tags:
    <div id="div-1"><div id="div-2"></div></div>