
Simple package for log changes on every model in Laravel

dev-master 2021-01-15 16:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-16 00:05:38 UTC


Hi There !

simple package for log any model that you want in Laravel :)

This package save all log in Create,Update and Delete any instance of model that you want

for update you can see what field change from value to value :)

it's developed on Laravel 8.12.1


you need to install first from composer

composer install vahidid/model-logger

and after that publish migrations file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=vahidid\model-logger\ModelLogerServiceProvider

and it's installed :)

How Work?

it's just a trait that you can to add in your target Laravel Model! after that your logger it's work

Like this:

 namespace App\Models;
 use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

 use Vahidid\ModelLogger\Traits\Loggable;
 class Product extends Model
     use Loggable;

for get Log data from package you can work with Controller (that it's under develop) or maybe you want to work with LogModel directly and access to log data :)

Use Controller and methods:


use Vahidid\ModelLogger\LogController;

$logController = new LogController();

//get logs by model namepace
$logController->getByModelNamespace(string $modelNamespace);

//get logs by model namespace and id
$logController->getByModelNamespaceAndId(string $modelNamespace, int $id);

//get all logs

for use LogModel directly just import it like this:

use Vahidid\ModelLogger\Models\LogModel;

LogModel is extends Model (from laravel Eloquent)


You can help me with contribute to improve the package :))

Bug & Feature

Tell me any bug and so any feature in issues ;)