
A package to send sms notification in laravel apps.

v1.0.2 2020-11-22 22:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-26 14:17:03 UTC


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Sms Notification service and channel for send sms with

How to install and config va/smart-sms package?


composer require va/smart-sms

Publish Config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=smart-sms

Where is the config file? In config/smart-sms.php

'line_number' => env('SMS_LINE_NUMBER'),
'user_id' => env('SMS_USER_ID'),
'password' => env('SMS_PASSWORD'),
'default_sms_rcpt' => env('SMS_DEFAULT_SMS_RCPT'),
'mobile_field_name' => env('SMS_MOBILE_FIELD_NAME', 'mobile')

Set You're private configs in .env file, for example

SMS_DEFAULT_SMS_RCPT=0901***1020 // You're phone number for test on local mode or (.env => APP_ENV=local)
SMS_MOBILE_FIELD_NAME=mobile // Name of the mobile field in you're User model or users migration or users table

How to use va/smart-sms package?

Default Facade for send message and it's methods

// The default message:

$message = 'You're message;

// If we want to send a message to $user:

$user->notify(SmsNotificationFacade::message($message)); // mobile = $user->mobile, message = $message
$request->user->notify(SmsNotificationFacade::message($message)); // mobile = $user->mobile, message = $message

// If we want to send a mesage to another mobile number:

$user->notify(SmsNotificationFacade::message($message)->mobile('0901***1020')); // mobile = 0901***1020, message = $message

// If we want to send a message to another mobile numbers (Send Group message):

$user->notify(SmsNotificationFacade::message($message)->group(['0901***1020', '0901***3040']));

Create a custom sms notification and use this

  • Make a new notification

    php artisan make:sms-notification SendActivationNotification
  • In which directory was this class made?

  • Content of this Notification

    namespace App\Notifications\Message;
    use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
    use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
    use Va\SmartSms\Channels\SmartSmsChannel;
    class SendActivationNotification extends Notification
        use Queueable;
        public $message;
        public $mobile;
        public $group;
         * SendActivationNotification constructor.
         * @param string|null $message
         * @param string|null $mobile
         * @param array $group
        public function __construct(string $message = null, string $mobile = null, array $group = [])
            $this->message = $message;
            $this->mobile = $mobile;
            $this->group = $group;
         * Get the notification's delivery channels.
         * @param  mixed  $notifiable
         * @return array
        public function via($notifiable)
            return [SmartSmsChannel::class];
        public function toChannel()
            return [
                'text' => "You're message" OR $this->message, // You're default (text of message)
                'mobile' => $this->mobile,
                'group' => $this->group
  • Use this Notification for send message

    // If we want to send a message with this notification
    $user->notify(new SendActivationNotification()); // mobile = $user->mobile, message = (Default meassge in notification)
    // If we want to send a message to another mobile number:
    $user->notify(new SendActivationNotification(null, '0901***1020')); // mobile = $user->mobile, message = (Default meassge in notification)
    // If we want to send a message to another mobile numbers (Send Group message):
    $user->notify(new SendActivationNotification(null, null, ['0901***1020', '0901***3040'])); // mobile = array, message = (Default meassge in notification)
    // If we want to push a message to notification class
    $message = "You're message";
    $user->notify(new SendActivationNotification($message)); // mobile = $user->mobile, message = $message