
Tools to integrate a CiviCRM database into Laravel projects.

v0.26 2018-01-08 04:06 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 02:11:20 UTC


Tools to integrate CiviCRM a database into a Laravel project.

Console commands to build migrations for all CiviCRM tables from CiviCRM's schema.xml source (as of 4.7) and seeders from civicrm_data.mysql and civicrm_acl.mysql source, as well as Entity model classes for all CiviCRM tables; also includes console commands to generate a CiviCRM database directly from civicrm.mysql, and to backup and restore a CiviCRM database.

Package Installation

composer require urbics/civitools

Or manually modify composer.json:

"require": {
    "urbics/civitools": "~0.1"

and composer install.

Installer adds CIVI_DB_XXX settings to the .env file that should be reviewed to match your setup. The tools use these settings to connect to the database.


  • civi:make:db to create db and build tables using CiviCRM's civicrm.msql script.
  • civi:make:migration to generate Laravel migration files, optionally with seeder and model classes. Note: you may need to increase the file limit above 256. On Mac OS: ulimit -n 1024.
  • Build the tables using Laravel's migration: php artisan migrate --database=civicrm --path=database/migrations/civi --seed (These are the default settings - change database connection and path as needed).
  • civi:db:backup to back up or restore the civicrm database. Be sure to set CIVI_DB_CONNECTION, CIVI_DB_DATABASE, CIVI_DB_HOST, CIVI_DB_USERNAME and CIVI_DB_PASSWORD in your .env file if any of the civicrm database settings are different from the default settings for your project.

Limitations and cautions

This is the same package as urbics/laracivi with the civi api functionality and the civicrm-core and civicrm-packages removed. It is intended for projects that need direct access to a CiviCRM, but have dependency version conflicts with the civicrm-core package.


The project includes phpunit tests for each of the console commands.