
Laravel JSON-RPC 2.0 Server

0.7.9 2023-09-20 10:57 UTC


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Quick How-To

  • Install with composer: composer require upgate/laravel-jsonrpc
  • In your RouteServiceProvider, do something like this:
// ...
use Upgate\LaravelJsonRpc\Contract\ServerInterface as JsonRpcServerContract;

class RouteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    // ...
    public function map(Router $router)
            ['namespace' => $this->namespace],
            function (Router $router) {
                // Create an instance of JsonRpcServer
                $jsonRpcServer = $this->app->make(JsonRpcServerContract::class);
                // Set default controller namespace
                // Register middleware aliases configured for Laravel router
                require app_path('Http/routes.php');
  • Use $jsonRpcServer in your routes.php, like this:
$router->post('/jsonrpc', function (Illuminate\Http\Request $request) use ($jsonRpcServer) {
        ->addMiddlewares(['fooMiddleware', 'barMiddleware', 'auth:rpcGuard']) // Middleware alias names or class names.
                                                                              // Parameters may be specified by separating
                                                                              // the middleware name and parameters with a :
        ->bindController('foo', 'FooController') // for 'foo.$method' methods invoke FooController->$method(),
                                                 // for 'foo' method invoke FooConroller->index()
        ->bind('bar', 'MyController@bar') // for 'bar' method invoke MyController->bar()
            ['bazMiddleware'], // add bazMiddleware for methods in this group
            function ($jsonRpcRouter) {
                // for 'bar.baz' method invoke MyController->bazz()
                $jsonRpcRouter->bind('bar.baz', 'MyController@bazz');

    // Run json-rpc server with $request passed to middlewares as a handle() method argument
    return $jsonRpcServer->run($request);

See ServerTest and RouterTest for more examples.

Exception handling

Descendants of Upgate\LaravelJsonRpc\Exception\JsonRpcException represent JSON-RPC errors according to the spec (see Upgate\LaravelJsonRpc\Server\ErrorCode).

Other exceptions are logged and converted to INTERNAL_ERROR responses by default.

Use Upgate\LaravelJsonRpc\Server\Server::onException() to register custom exception handlers:

use Upgate\LaravelJsonRpc\Server;

    function (SomeExceptionClass $e, Server\Request $request = null) {
        $message = "Some Message";
        $code = -32099;
        return Server\RequestResponse::constructErrorResponse($request ? $request->getId() : null, $message, $code);

    \Throwable::class, // catch-all
    function (\Throwable $e, Server\Request $request = null) {
        $message = "Some Other Message";
        $code = -32098;
        return Server\RequestResponse::constructErrorResponse($request ? $request->getId() : null, $message, $code);

See ServerTest:: testSingleRequestWithExceptionHandler() and ServerTest::testExceptionHandlersPriority() for more examples.

JSON-RPC Request Forms

(since v0.3.0)

Upgate\LaravelJsonRpc\Server\FormRequest is similar to Laravel form requests, but validates JSON-RPC parameters instead.


use Upgate\LaravelJsonRpc\Server\FormRequest as JsonRpcFormRequest;

class MyJsonRpcFormRequest extends JsonRpcFormRequest
    public function rules(): array
        return [
            'id'    => 'required|numeric',
            'email' => 'required|email',

class MyController
    public function myAction(MyJsonRpcFormRequest $jsonRpcRequest)
        $email = $jsonRpcRequest->email; // or $jsonRpcRequest->get('email');
        $allParams = $jsonRpcRequest->all();
        // ...

If validation fails, the INVALID_PARAMS error response is returned, with validation error details in data.violations.

See the ServerFormRequestTest for more examples.