
Manage and add plugin functionality to a site

3.4.2 2022-08-03 00:00 UTC


Project: tk-plugin
Web: http://www.domtemplate.com/
Authors: Michael Mifsud http://www.tropotek.com/

A Plugin lib to support the Tk lib.



Available on Packagist (uom/tk-plugin) and installable via Composer.

composer require uom/tk-plugin

Or add the following to your composer.json file:

"uom/tk-plugin": "~3.2.0"



If you have DB migration issues you may manually update some system tables. See if you have any table without the underscore and rename them to the following.

-- NOTE: This has to be run manually before upgrading to ver 3.2
RENAME TABLE _migration TO _migration;
RENAME TABLE _data TO _data;
RENAME TABLE session TO _session;
RENAME TABLE _plugin TO _plugin;

Also check your src/config/application.php file and ensure that there are no manual overrides for this table as you may get unexpected results