
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Poeditor API Client

dev-master 2013-02-08 17:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 11:52:02 UTC


Poeditor API Client Module written in PHP.

# Uj\Poed\Api\Client
Version dev-master
License [BSD-3-Clause](https://github.com/unjudder/poeditor-php-client/blob/master/LICENSE.md License)


API Client Interface for Poeditor API.


Use Composer to install the Poeditor Api Client. Add the following lines to your composer.json file.

   "require": {
       "unjudder/poeditor-api-client": "dev-master"

Try It out

use Uj\Poed\Api\Client;

$apiClient = new Client("YOUR API ACCESS TOKEN");

// list all projects
// returns Uj\Poed\Entity\Project[]

// return a specific project
// returns Uj\Poed\Entity\Project
$project = $apiClient->getProject($projectID);

// add a language to the project

// deletes the given language

// list all terms
// returns \Uj\Poed\Entity\Term[]

// list all definitions
// returns \Uj\Poed\Entity\Definition[]


The files in this project are released under the unjudder license. Please find a copy of this license bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.md. Our License is also available through the web at: http://unjudder.com/license/new-bsd.