
Allows to easily attach an image to a model in Yii2 framework

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dev-master 2023-04-24 12:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 14:45:06 UTC


A behavior for Yii2 Framework model class, that allows to easily attach an image, when saving a model.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require unique/yii2-model-image

or add

"unique/yii2-model-image": "@dev"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

To create DB tables run migration file:

./yii migrate --migrationPath="vendor/unique/yii2-model-image/src/migrations"


In order to use the behavior, you first need to load the module. Module can only be loaded once. Add the following to your config file:

        'bootstrap' => [ 
            // ...,
        // ...
        'modules' => [
            'images' => [
                'class' => \unique\yii2modelimage\ModelImageModule::class,
                // Defines an alias friendly path, where to store all the images
                'images_path' => '@app/www/images',
                // specify an Image class to use for generating images
                // should either extend the default class or implement methods needed
                'image_class' => \unique\yii2modelimage\models\Image::class,
                // Should list ImageDimensions for all image version groups, i.e.:    
                'group_versions' => [
                    // 'user_profile_photo' => [
                    //     'thumb_small' => ( new ImageDimensions( 'thumb_small', null, 80 ) )->asResized()->setQuality( 80 ),
                    //     'thumb_large' => ( new ImageDimensions( 'thumb_large', null, 800 ) )->asResized()->setQuality( 80 ),
                    // ],
            // ...

Then your model can implement a behavior like so:

    class Profile extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord {
        // ...
        public $profile_photo;
        public function behaviors() {

            return array_merge( parent::behaviors(), [
                'image' => [
                    'class' => ImageBehavior::class,
                    'uploaded_file_attribute' => 'profile_photo',
                    'image_attribute' => 'profile_photo_id',
                    'group' => 'user_profile_photo',
            ] );
        public function rules() {
            return [
                // ...
                [ [ 'profile_photo' ], 'file', 'extensions' => 'jpg' ],

Now, when saving Profile model, an uploaded image will be saved automatically, also generating the two associated versions of the image called thumb_small and thumb_large. If an error occurs, while saving the image, Profile::save() will return false and an error will be set on the Profile::$profile_photo attribute.