
Universal PHP variable converter. The main feature is converting arrays to an object of given class. In this case, Unicon follows PhpDoc annotations, works recursively to create the object's properties.

1.0.0 2024-01-10 09:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-11 15:42:54 UTC


Unicon is universal PHP variable converter. The main feature is converting arrays to an object of given class. In this case, Unicon follows PhpDoc annotations, works recursively to create the object's properties.

See unicon/yaml - one of possible implementations. It converts YAML file to an object of given class.


composer require unicon/unicon


ConverterFactory creates a converter for the given target type. Target type may be class FQN, standard php type or types union. Once created, the converter may be used few times.

$converter = ConverterFactory::create($targetType);

Converter returns ConversionValue|AbstractError. ConversionValue::value contains converted value. It may be null if target type is nullable (null|\MyNamespace\MyClass): in this case null is also success result.

$result = $converter->convert($source);


namespace MyNamespace;

class SimpleClass
    private ?string $stringProperty;
    private false|int $falseOrIntegerProperty;
    private \DateTimeInterface $date;
    /** @var bool */
    private mixed $boolPhpDocProperty;

$converter = ConverterFactory::create(SimpleClass::class);
$result = $converter->convert([
    'stringProperty' => 'test',
    'falseOrIntegerProperty' => 0,
    'date' => '2013-01-13 12:00:00',
    'boolPhpDocProperty' => 1
object(Unicon\Unicon\ConversionValue)#11 (1) {
  object(MyNamespace\SimpleClass)#14 (4) {
    string(4) "test"
    object(DateTimeImmutable)#29 (3) {
      string(26) "2013-01-13 12:00:00.000000"
      string(11) "Europe/Riga"


ConverterFactory::create has the second optional parameter of ConversionSettings class:

    string $type = 'mixed', 
    ConversionSettings $settings = new ConversionSettings()

You can create your ConversionSettings and configure it for your needs:

$settings = new ConversionSettings();
$settings->setStringToDateFormats(['Y-m-d H:i:s']);
$settings->setDateToStringFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');

Conversion priorities

  1. Strict match (1 for int)
  2. Gentle casting ('1' for int)
  3. Forced casting if turned on (1.1 to 1 for int)

This affect the conversion if the property has few conversion options. For example:

null 0 '0'
int 0 0 0
?int null 0 0
null|int|string null 0 '0'
?string null '0' '0'
string '' '0' '0'