
WP CLI Loader for Underpin

1.1.0 2021-11-24 21:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 03:46:01 UTC


Loader That assists with adding WP CLI commands to a WordPress website.


Using Composer

composer require underpin/cli-loader


This plugin uses a built-in autoloader, so as long as it is required before Underpin, it should work as-expected.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/underpin-cli/cli.php');


  1. Install Underpin. See Underpin Docs
  2. Register new WP CLI commands as-needed.

Basic Example

A very basic example could look something like this. This will create a single command wp test.

\Underpin\underpin()->cli()->add( 'test', [
	'command'             => 'test',                           // Command name.
	'name'                => 'Test Command',                   // Human-readable name. Used by Underpin logging tools.
	'description'         => 'Runs a test command in the CLI', // Human-readable description. Used by Underpin logging tools.
	'action_callback'     => function ( $args ) {              // The command to run when this command is invoked in the CLI
		\WP_CLI::success( "The script has run, $args[0]!" );
	'command_description' => [                                 // Optional. The description of the command. See WP CLI cookbook.
		'shortdesc' => 'Prints a test message.',
		'synopsis'  => [
				'type'        => 'positional',
				'name'        => 'name',
				'description' => 'The name of the person to greet.',
				'optional'    => false,
				'repeating'   => false,
		'longdesc'  => '## EXAMPLES' . "\n\n" . 'Success: The script has run, Alex!',
] );

Running the above command would look like:

$ wp test
Success: The script has run, !
$ wp test Alex
Success: The script has run, Alex!

Running help would output the help as such:

$ wp test --help

  wp test


  Prints a test message.


  wp test <name>


    The name of the person to greet.


  Success: The script has run, Alex!



Sub Commands

If you want to make several commands inside a namespace, you must extend Command and reference the extended class directly, like so:

Check out WP_CLI's Commands Cookbook for more information.

class Say_Hello extends Underpin_Commands\Abstracts\Command{

	protected $command = 'say';
	 * Prints a greeting.
	 * ## OPTIONS
	 * <name>
	 * : The name of the person to greet.
	 * [--type=<type>]
	 * : Whether or not to greet the person with success or error.
	 * ---
	 * default: success
	 * options:
	 *   - success
	 *   - error
	 * ---
	 *     wp example hello Newman
	 * @when after_wp_load
	function hello( $args, $assoc_args ) {
		list( $name ) = $args;

		// Print the message with type
		$type = $assoc_args['type'];
		\WP_CLI::$type( "Hello, $name!" );



Running the above command would look like:

$ wp say hello Alex --type=error
Error: Hello, Alex!
$ wp say hello Kate
Success: Hello, Kate!
$ wp say hello
usage: wp say hello <name> [--type=<type>]

Running help would output help as such:

$ wp say hello --help

  wp say hello


  Prints a greeting.


  wp say hello <name> [--type=<type>]


    The name of the person to greet.

    Whether or not to greet the person with success or error.
    default: success
      - success
      - error


    wp example hello Newman


      Path to the WordPress files.

      Pretend request came from given URL. In multisite, this argument is how the target site is specified.

      Perform operation against a remote server over SSH (or a container using scheme of "docker", "docker-compose", "vagrant").

      Perform operation against a remote WordPress installation over HTTP.

      Set the WordPress user.

      Skip loading all plugins, or a comma-separated list of plugins. Note: mu-plugins are still loaded.