
Beacon - PHP Routing System

dev-master 2023-10-03 09:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-03 10:54:26 UTC


Build Status


  • Zero dependency
  • PCRE pattern path support
  • Route groups
  • Domain condition support
  • HTTPS condition support
  • Controller bindings
  • RESTful
  • Unicode
  • Wildcard attributes
  • Auth


PHP 5.4+


composer require undercloud/beacon


Pretty URLs with .htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_FILENAME}       !-d
RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_FILENAME}       !-f
RewriteRule   ^(.*) index.php?%{QUERY_STRING}


// if installed by composer
require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
// if installed manually
require '/path/to/Beacon/Beacon.php';

$router = new Beacon\Router([
  // current hostname
  'host' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],
  // current http method
  'method' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'],
  // optionaly, true if request over https
  'isSecured' => true


The API is built on the principle of a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface

Define routes

Here's a basic usage example:

  // any of methods get,post,put or delete
  ->on('/', 'Controller::index')
  // only get method
  ->get('/user/:id', 'ControllerUser::getUser')
  // only post
  ->post('/user/:id', function () { ... })
  // fallback function
  ->otherwise(function() {
    echo 404;

// resolve request
$route = $router->go($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

Beacon\Router::go method return Beacon\Route instance with next methods:

// route path
// get callback
// get binded params
// get middlewares list

Unicode paths

Route paths can contain any Unicode character set

$router->on('/gâteau-français', function () { ... })


Complete list of avail route methods

 * $path - request path, example /users, support PCRE
 * $call - callback, string 'Controller::action' or Closure
 * $methods - array of http methods, example ['post','put']

$router->on($path, $call);
$router->get($path, $call);
$router->post($path, $call);
$router->put($path, $call);
$router->delete($path, $call);
$router->patch($path, $call);
$router->head($path, $call);
$router->match(array $methods, $path, $call);


Beacon supports named params. For example, route with binded params:

$router->on('/user/:id/:name(/:nickname)', 'ControllerUser::getUser');

from request:

$route = $router->go('/user/78/John');

will be fetched into:

  'id'       => 78,
  'name'     => 'John',
  'nickname' => null

You can also add additional check for params:

  ->on('/user/:id/:name(/:nickname)', 'ControllerUser::getUser')
    // check numeric id
    ->withWhere('id', '/\d+/')
    // empty or invalid nickname will be replaced with 'Guest'
    ->withWhere('nickname', '/[A-Za-z0-9]+/', 'Guest')

Now params will be fetched into:

  'id'       => 78,
  'name'     => 'John',
  'nickname' => 'Guest'

For retrieve params use $route->getParams()

Wildcard Attributes

Sometimes it is useful to allow the trailing part of the path be anything at all. To allow arbitrary trailing path segments on a route, call the wildcard() method. This will let you specify the attribute name under which the arbitrary trailing values will be stored.

  ->on('/foo', function() { ... })
  ->on('/bar', function() { ... });

$route = $router->go('/foo/bar/baz/quux');

// ['card' => ['bar','baz','quux']]
$params = $route->getParams();


If request cannot be resolved, you can define fallback:

      case Beacon\RouterError::NOT_FOUND_ERROR:
      /* Same as 404 error, cannot find any path for current request */

      case Beacon\RouterError::SECURE_ERROR:
      /* Need secured connection over https */

      case Beacon\RouterError::CONTROLLER_RESOLVE_ERROR:
      /* When given method in binded contoller is unavailable */

      case Beacon\RouterError::WHERE_REGEX_ERROR:
      /* Fail parameter regex test in ->where(...) */

      case Beacon\RouterError::REST_RESOLVE_ERROR:
      /* Cannot find implemented method in given REST controller*/

      case Beacon\RouteError::AUTH_ERROR:
      /* Auth check failed */


You can define controller namespace and bind methods to path:

// bind path to controller
$router->controller('/users', 'ControllerUsers');
// resolve
$route = $router->go('/users/get-users');
// will return ControllerUsers::getUsers
$call = $route->getCallback();

If requested method undefined or is not public, Beacon return fallback function.


Routes can be grouped:

$router->group('/api', function ($router) {
  $router->get('/users', 'ControllerUsers::getUsers')

$route = $router->go('/api/users');

groups can be nested:

$router->group('/api', function ($router) {
  $router->group('/v1.1' function($router) {
    $router->get('/users', 'ControllerUsers::getUsers')


If your app can de accessed from multiple hostnames, you can setup personal routes for each domains:

  ->domain('api.example.com', function ($router) {
    $router->get('/', function () {
      echo 'api';
  ->get('/', function () {
    echo 'main domain';


It so easy to make RESTfull service, define path:

  // define param name, default 'id'
  $paramName' = 'photo'

and define controller with specific methods:

class ControllerPhoto
  // build list
  public function index()

  // build form
  public function create()

  // save form
  public function store()

Next table show conformity between request path and controller methods:

Verb Path Action Call
GET /photo index ControllerPhoto::index
GET /photo/create create ControllerPhoto::create
POST /photo store ControllerPhoto::store
GET /photo/:photo show ControllerPhoto::show
GET /photo/:photo/edit edit ControllerPhoto::edit
PUT /photo/:photo update ControllerPhoto::update
DELETE /photo/:photo destroy ControllerPhoto::destroy
Note, that if requested method undefined or is not public, Beacon return fallback function.

Route options

All methods:

  • on
  • get
  • post
  • put
  • delete
  • patch
  • head
  • match
  • controller
  • group
  • domain
  • resource

can be additionaly setuped with next methods:

  • withSecure - secure settings
  • withMiddleware, withoutMiddleware, withoutAnyMiddleware - manage middleware chain
  • withAuth - access checker

Options defined in parent sections, will be inherited by childs, e.g.:

  ->group('/api', function ($router) {
    // now in inherit options defined in group
    $router->get('/users/:id', function() {...});
  ->group('/another-group', ...);

You can override inherited, just define personal:

$router->group('/api', function ($router) {
  // now in inherit options defined in group
  $router->get('/users/:id', function() {...})

For defining global pre-setuped options use Beacon\Router::globals(array $options).

  // inherit global options
  ->get('/', 'Controller::index')
  // override global
  ->post('/users', 'ControllerUsers::getUsers')

Middleware chain

Beacon makes it easy to manage the chain of middlewares, look at this example:

  ->on('/', function() { ... })
  ->group('/api', function ($router) {
    $router->on('/guest', 'ControllerApi::getGuests')


Now middleware stack for:

  • / is ['MiddlewareAuth','MiddlewareApi']
  • /api/guest is ['MiddlewareApi','MiddlewareGuest']
  • /api/secure is ['MiddlewareSecure']


If you wanna routes, that must be handle over https only, setup it like this:

  ->get('/pay', 'System::pay')


You can assign callback for access check:

  ->get('/dashboard', 'System::dashboard')

Or for high level methods group, domain, controller, rest:

  ->group('/api', function(){

Error Handling

see Otherwise section