uMacro is a compact library used for parsing macros within a string of text.

1.3.0 2016-03-12 13:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 14:28:55 UTC


uMacro is a PHP tool used to parse and replace macros contained within a string of text.


Creating a macro parser is straightforward: just create an instance of the Parser class and pass it an object that implements the ParamParserInterface:

use UmbraProjekt\uMacro\Parser;
use UmbraProjekt\uMacro\ParamParser\ParseStr;

$parser = new Parser(new ParseStr());

From this point onwards, any string of text can pe passed through the Parser#replace() method in order to have the macros replaced.

$string = "Watch this video: {{{youtube?id=ykwqXuMPsoc}}}";
echo $parser->replace($string);

The macro is parsed whenever a string matching the macro pattern is found. The default pattern using the above config is {{{macro_name?query_params}}}. In other words, macros are surrounded by triple braces and are comprised of the macro name and parametres. The macro name is separated from the parametres by a question mark. The parametres have the form of a query string, i.e. a string parseable by parse_str().

Note that this config can be changed.

Available parametre parsers

There are two available parametre parsers that can be injected into the Macro instance. They influence how the parametre strings are parsed and allow for different syntaxes.


Accepts parametres formatted as a query string, e.g. {{{youtube?id=ykwqXuMPsoc&width=560}}}


Accepts parametres formatted as XML attributes, e.g. [youtube id="ykwqXuMPsoc" width="560"].

Note that the above example shows non-default settings for the macro delimiters and separator (see the section regarding macro customisation).

Creating own parametre parsers

It's possible to create a new parametre parser in case a different syntax is needed for the params. The parser class must implement the UmbraProjekt\uMacro\ParamParserInterface interface. The interface enforces the implementation of the parse() method. The method receives the parametres as a raw string, exactly as they appeared in the text macro. The output is always an associative array of parametres.

namespace My\App;

use UmbraProjekt\uMacro\ParamParserInterface;

class MyParser implements ParamParserInterface
    public function parse($paramsString)
        $output = [];
        // extract param names and values from $paramsString

        return $output;

To use the new parametres parser, just inject the newly created object in the Parser constructor:

$parser = new Parser(new MyParser());

Customise the macros

The Parser class constructor accepts three optional arguments: opening macro delimiter, macro/parametres separator, closing macro delimiter. So if the default settings are not acceptable in a given project, the new ones should be passed to the Parser constructor:

$parser = new Parser(new XMLAttributes(), "[", " ", "]");

The strings parsed with such a parser will react only to the defined macro syntax:

$string = 'Watch this video: [youtube id="ykwqXuMPsoc" width="560"]';
echo $parser->replace($string);

Available macros

There are a few predefined macros available.


Creates a YouTube iframe.

  • name: youtube
  • params:
    • id (required)
    • width (optional, default: 560)
    • height (optional, default: 315)
  • example: {{{youtube?id=ykwqXuMPsoc&width=320&height=240}}}


Creates a Vimeo iframe.

  • name: youtube
  • params:
    • id (required)
    • width (optional, default: 560)
    • height (optional, default: 315)
  • example: {{{vimeo?id=17798681&width=320&height=240}}}


Creates a Soundcloud iframe.

  • name: soundcloud
  • params:
    • id (required)
    • width (optional, default: 100%)
    • height (optional, default: 166)
    • auto_play (optional, default: false)
    • show_artwork (optional, default: true)
    • color (optional, default: ff7700)
  • example: {{{soundcloud?id=62438266&width=80%&height=200}}}

Creating custom macros

Each new macro needs to extend the Macro abstract class:

namespace My\App;

use UmbraProjekt\uMacro\Macro;

class MyMacro extends Macro
    public function configParams()
        // ...
    public function run()
        // ...

The macro must implement two methods: configParams() and run(). The first one tells the macro what parametres to look for and whether they have default values (i.e. can be omitted). The param configuration is done using the addParam() method:

public function configParams()
    $this->addParam("id"); // mandatory
    $this->addParam("width", "560"); // optional, with
                                     // default value

If a parametre is optional, but has no default value (i.e. can be omitted completely, but will be taken into accunt if provided in the macro string), it needn't be defined in the configParams() method at all, but should be checked in the run() method.

The run() method builds the macro output and returns it. It can use the methods getParam() and getParams() to fetch the parametres passed in to the macro.

All provided parametres will be returned by getParams - ones passed in by the user to the macro string and the ones that have a default value in the config. However, omittable params that have been omitted will not be present. They should be checked explicitly with getParam(), which will return null if a param is not provided.

public function run()
    $id = $this->getParam("id");
    $params = $this->getParams();
    $optional = $this->getParam("optional");
    return "<output>{$id} {$params['width']}</output>" .
        (null === $optional ? "" : "Optional provided!");

Once the macro is created, a mapping for it should be added so that it's recognised by the parser:

$parser->addMap("my_macro", 'My\App\MyMacro');