A basic mvc implementation for beginners

v1.0.1 2022-03-23 18:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-23 23:36:44 UTC




  1. Config du projet config > config.php

         define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
         define('DB_NAME', 'my_website');
         define('DB_USER', 'root');
         define('DB_PASS', '');
         // site CONSTANTS
         define('SITENAME', '');
         define('BASE_URL', 'http://localhost/php-mvc-framework');
         define('PUBLIC_URL', BASE_URL.'/public');
  2. Création d'un modèle src > models > SomeModelModel.php

         class UserModel extends Model
             public function getAllUsers()
                 $req = $this->bdd->prepare('select * from users');
                 return $req->fetchAll();
  3. Création d'un contrôleur src > controllers > SomeControllersController

         // $data = array(
         //     'template' => 'custom'
         // );
         class HomeController extends Controller
             public function index()
                 // get the modelName and call a method 
                 $users = $this->getModel('UserModel')->getAllUsers()
                 // passing data to the front using $data
                 $data['users'] = $users;
                 return $this->renderView('pages/index',$data);

4.Défissition d'une route src > Route > routes.php

        class Routes
            public static function getRoutes()
                 * route format url|goto
                 * url String (ie: '/',....)
                 * Controller/method/params (ie: 'HomeController','index')
                 * params Regex (ie: '(\d+)','(\W+)')
                 * examples
                 * ========
                 * array('url' => '/test/(\d+)',  'goto' =>  array('TestController', 'index')),
                 * array('url' => '/test/save', 'goto' =>  array('TestController', 'save')),
                 * array('url' => '/retest/update',  'goto' =>  array('RetestController', 'update')),
                 * array('url' => '/retest/delete',  'goto' =>  array('RetestController', 'delete')),
                return [

                    array('url' => '/admin', 'goto' =>  array('AdminHomeController', 'index')),
                    array('url' => '/db-setup', 'goto' =>  array('DbSetupController', 'index')),

                    array('url' => '/', 'goto' =>  array('HomeController', 'index')),
  1. Création d'une Vue src > views > someFolder(inc,pages,admin,templates) > someFileName.php

  2. Récupération des variables provenant du contrôleur

         <!DOCTYPE html>
         <html lang="en">
             <meta charset="UTF-8">
             <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
             <?php echo $data['someData'];?>
  3. css, js, images

=> public > assets > css > style.css

=> public > assets > js > main.js

=> public > assets > img > img.png