
Cached Repositories - A simple Laravel package

2.1.0 2021-11-06 10:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 16:22:12 UTC


Documentation, Installation, and Usage Instructions

First, install the package via Composer:

composer require ulex/cached-repositories

Service Provider

For Laravel

You should publish the RepositoriesServiceProvider:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ulex\CachedRepositories\RepositoriesServiceProvider" --tag=config

Optional: The service provider will automatically get registered. Or you may manually add the service provider in your config/app.php file: Laravel

'providers' => [
// ...

For Lumen

In your bootstrap/app.php:

  1. Register the provider
  1. Register config


If config file cached-repositories.php was not published copy it to config folder with:

cp vendor/ulex/cached-repositories/config/cached-repositories.php config/cached-repositories.php

Create Repository, Interface, Decorator for a Model

Run the following php artisan command where the argument is your Model name (example Post):

php artisan make:repository Post --all

Expected Result:

Repository created successfully.
Interface created successfully.
Decorator created successfully.
Add Model in `models` array in config/cached-repositories.php

The following folders will be created in your app/Repositories folder (if they don't exist):


As seen in the result remember to add the Model in config/cached-repositories.php :

'models' => [
        'User' => App\Models\User::class,
        'Post' => App\Models\Post::class,

How to use

This package provides an abstract structure that uses the Repository design pattern with caching decorators for you application.

Once installed you can create Repositories for your models that cache the data from your queries. EloquentRepository is provided and ready to use. Follow the same principle for any data resource you have on your application.

# Example when injecting to a controller 

public function __construct(UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository)
    $this->userRepository = $userRepository;


public function get($name)
    //retrieve from db and then cache the result
    $user = $this->userRepository->getBy('name', $userName);
    //retrieve straight from db, don't cache
    $user = $this->userRepository->fromDb()->getBy('name', $userName);

Extending a model's CachingDecorator

For GET functions use remember function the same way as in the abstract CachingDecorator. This will ensure that this function is cached properly.


public function getUserInfo($user_id)
    return $this->remember(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args());

Note: Remember to add the cache invalidation of the new function by extending flushGetKeys in the model's CachingDecorator.

public function flushGetKeys($model, $attributes = null)
    $user_id = $model->user_id;
    $key = $this->key('getUserInfo', compact('user_id'));
    parent::flushGetKeys($model, $attributes);


Add the query in the model's repository

public function getUserInfo($user_id)
    return $this->model->query()
        ->where('user_id', '=', $user_id)


This package is mostly based on Jeffrey Way's awesome Laracasts lessons when using the repository design pattern on Laravel From Scratch series.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.