
A versatile tool designed to simplify the management of parent-child relationships within a hierarchical structure

3.2.2 2024-02-18 07:48 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-18 08:09:15 UTC


The TreeNode class is a versatile tool designed to simplify the management of parent-child relationships within a hierarchical structure. It is efficient in dealing with organizational charts, family trees, or any scenario involving hierarchical data and also provides an intuitive way to handle relationships.

Table of Contents


Managing hierarchical relationships can be complex, especially when dealing with varying levels of parent-child connections. The TreeNode class aims to streamline this process by providing methods to add relationships, retrieve children, and find ancestors within the hierarchy.


To use the TreeNode class, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the class file.
  2. Include the file in your project.
  3. Instantiate the class to start managing your hierarchical data.

For Composer Installation

composer require ucscode/tree-node


Creating Root Node

use Ucscode\TreeNode\TreeNode;

$ceo = new TreeNode('Ucscode');

Creating Children

// Create Children with (or without) name & attribute

$manager = new TreeNode('Elizabeth');

$staff = new TreeNode('Serena Paul', ['active' => true]);

$staff2 = new TreeNode(null, ['name' => 'Unknown'])

Adding A Child

// Position each node under a dedicated parent

$ceo->addChild('manager', $manager);

$manager->addChild('staff', $staff);

$manager->addChild('staff2', $staff2);

Getting A Child

$manager = $ceo->getChild('manager');

Removing A Child


Getting Children

$manager->getChildren(); // Array of TreeNodes

Getting Ancestors

TreeNode also allows chaining method.

$staff2 = $treeNode->getParent(); // Manager

$ceo = $staff2
        ->getParent() // Manager
            ->getParent(); // Ceo

Getting A Child Attribute

$staff2->getAttribute('name'); // "Unknown"

Setting A Child Attribute

$ceo->setAttribute('location', 'Log Angeles');

Removing A Child Attribute



The TreeNode class provides a straightforward solution for handling hierarchical relationships. By offering methods to add relationships, retrieve children, and find ancestors, this class empowers developers to efficiently manage and navigate complex hierarchical structures in their applications. Simplify your hierarchical data management with the TreeNode class today!