
New template for sites. Packed full of flexible components.

dev-master 2019-07-22 13:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-10-08 23:03:56 UTC


This is a bare bones ubiweb site. This is now included automatically as a composer package.

Dev Setup

  • Setup a PHP dev environment. Valet+ or Valet is recommended.
  • Clone domain framework: git clone https://github.com/ubiweb-media/ubiweb-domain.git domain.com
  • Rename the .env.example to .env: mv .env.example .env
  • Run composer install

That's it! Of course, you're going to want to configure this more to have a presentable website.


  • First choose a base template.
  • Require it in your project with composer require ubiweb/{templateName}
  • Update your config.yml to specific the Template
  • Create your stylesheet:


By default, the main stylesheet will point to domain.com/assets/main.css, so your styles must be compiled here. Edit your stylesheet under content/styles/main.scss to import your template, like so:

@import "_variables.scss"; // optional customization
@import "../../vendor/templateName/styles/main.scss";

// Your custom styles.
  • Run sass -I ./vendor/npm-asset content/styles/main.scss:assets/main.css or sass --watch -I ./vendor/npm-asset content/styles/main.scss:assets/main.css to watch for changes.

If you're on a Mac, sass it should be installed already.


All of the site's content and configuration resides in ./content.

  • config.yml contains the installation configuration. There are some special names for things like the template, otherwise you can define your own arbitrary global variables here.
  • pages.yml contains the site's pages and is where you define the route URIs. If it doesn't exist here, the request will throw a 404. You can define more complicated POST, or DELETE routes by including an ./app/routes.php.
  • translations.yml is where you can supply translations for things like routes and overriding template variables. The main content is simply translated via its content directory eg) ./content/fr/about.html.
  • en/* page content must always reside in its language folder. Specifying the default language in the config will remove the language from the URI. These pages are blade templates and can execute PHP.


Pages use the blade template language. This is useful because it gives us a lot of convenience, but can also execute plain PHP.

Every page should contain at a bare minimum a declared layout, and some main content:

@extends "layout/main"

<p>Hello World</p>

You can extend some parts of the layout easily by providing some special sections:

@extends "layout/main"

@section('title', 'Page Title')

<!-- Maybe some SEO tags -->
<meta property=”og:type” content=”website” />

<!-- and some extra styles  -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/styles/custom.css" />

<!-- and some extra scripts  -->
alert("Holy cow, it works!")

<p>Hello World</p>

Perhaps your template gives you different layouts, change them like so and take advantage of their extra sections

@extends "layout/interior-sidebar"

<p>This layout has a sidebar.</p>
<aside class="widget">
  <h1>Let's put a widget here</h1>

<p>Hello World</p>

Extending Functionality

Sometimes you may want to do more. What we've outlined so far is the basics for a working site, but you can also extend it to do alot more.

Extending Layouts

You can override your templates layouts by copying vendor/templateName/layout.html or any other template file and putting it in a ./content/layouts directory. This directory overrides any templates or partials with the same name.

Creating an APP

You can optionally create a directory called ./app that can be used to build ontop of the current framework and build your own custom application. There are some functions and files already available for your convenience. For example, maybe you want to have a route we can post to and log someone in. Try the following

  • Create a POST route in ./app/routes.php, like so $app->post('login', 'AuthController@login')
  • Create a corresponding controller in ./app/controller/AuthController.php in order to receive your request.
  • Do something like:

class AuthController extends Controller {
  public function login()
    setCookie('user', 'A user's authorization cookie');