
Ualá Bis Magento Payment Module

1.0.0 2023-04-20 14:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 18:14:28 UTC


This Extension is used to make payments using Ualá Bis API in Argentina.

magento logo

  • Allow end user set credentials, checkout message and name of payment method
  • Generate pending orders and using return parameters back and change to order status cancel or processing (and create invoice).
  • Add validation to prevent unexpected changes on status using urls.
  • Can be used in production / test mode just changing credentials.

Manual Installation

  • Create a folder [root]/app/code/Uala/Bis.
  • Download module ZIP from HERE.
  • Copy to folder.
  • Check module structure for these files: app/code/Uala/Bis/registration.php and others.
  • Check module structure for this folder: app/code/Uala/Bis/Model/ app/code/Uala/Bis/Block/ app/code/Uala/Bis/etc/ and others.

Then you'll need to activate the module.

bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento cache:clean
bin/magento cache:flush


bin/magento module:uninstall Uala_Bis




Module enabled, name and message configurable:

Redirect to Ualá Bis Checkout:

Redirect to success:

Redirect to failure:


Backend Sales Updated:

Order Info:

API Checkout Docs

Also, you can show Api Checkout Documentation in