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A Lightweight PHP Testing Framework

2.2.0 2019-11-14 22:10 UTC


A Lightweight PHP Testing Framework


Configure The Test Runner

FireTest can be configured so that it can be ran from either directly the command line or from your composer run-scripts.

Running directly from the command line:

php vendor/ua1-labs/firetest/scripts/runner.php --dir=[directory] --ext=[fireExt]

The runner.php file is a script meant to bootstrap your test suite together to make it easier to configure your test runner. It accepts two parameters. [directory] is the directory you would like to scan to search for your test files. [fileExt] is the file extension FireTest should look for when it is scanning for tests.


php vendor/ua1-labs/firetest/scripts/runner.php --dir=src --ext=.TestCase.php

In the example above, the test suite will search through your src directory for all files with the extension .TestCase.php.

Running as a Composer Run-Script:

To run FireTest as a composer test script all you need to do is configure the run-script to run the runner.php script and point it to the directory you want and the file extension you want it to find. You will find run-script configurations in your composer.json file located at the configuration scripts.

"scripts": {
    "test": "php vendor/ua1-labs/firetest/scripts/runner.php --dir=/src --ext=.TestCase.php"

Once you have it configured all you need to do is run the test script using Composer.

composer test

Creating Your First Test

To create your first test, you will need to start out by creating your test file. Your test file will consist of a class you create which will extend the class UA1Labs\Fire\Test\TestCase.


use UA1Labs\Fire\Test\TestCase;

class MyTestCase extends TestCase
    //my test suite logic

Once you test suite is loaded and initialized, the FireTest will iterate through all your methods that begin with the name test and run each one.


public function testMyMethod()
    //my test logic


At some point, you will most likely want to assert something with your test method. Because you extended the Fire\Test\TestCase class, you have access to two methods called UA1Labs\Fire\Test\TestCase::should($statement) and UA1Labs\Fire\Test\TestCase::assert($true). The should method provides you a way to tell us what your assert is going to do. Think of it like "this test should...". The assert method evaluates the $true parameter to determine a pass or fail. $true must evaluate to a true boolean value.


$this->should('Should be set to true.')
// do some scaffolding to setup your test

FireTest Logging

You have the ability to log out information as your tests are running. Fire\Test\Suite::log() is a static method you can use to log out information as your test is running.