
English Wiktionary word category lookup & randomisation

v0.1.0 2018-09-08 22:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 13:14:51 UTC


English Wiktionary word category lookup thing. Maybe useful for some applications, I mostly used it for silly twitter bots. Can get a random word from a category and get category info for a given word.

Can operate either on the live API or a MySQL db (preliminary)


From API

To use it with the live Wiktionary API, just instantiate TzLion\Wiktionator\ApiWiktionator and call whichever methods you need to.

From database

You can also use a copy of the Wiktionary data in a MySQL database derived from one of the official DB dumps. This is much faster than calling the API if your application needs to do a lot of lookups. But it's also extremely preliminary and you'll need to provide and host your own (large) DB.

Instantiate TzLion\Wiktionator\DbWiktionator with an array of connection details like this:

new TzLion\Wiktionator\DbWiktionator(['hostname', 'username', 'password', 'database_name'])

Currently your DB will need the following tables: category, categorylinks, page from the official dumps for enwiktionary. You can also delete columns not in use to save space.

DB with fallback

If you want to try the DB first but fall back to the API if it can't be connected, you can call TzLion\Wiktionator\Wiktionator::getInstance with the DB connection details as detailed above. If you call it with no connection details, you'll always get the API version.


These should work the same on either the API or DB versions unless otherwise specified.

  • getWordPage API only! Get the full Wiktionary page for the given word.
  • isWordInCategory Check if the given word is in the given category.
  • getWordCategories Get all the categories the given word is in.
  • getRandomWordInCategory Get a random word in the given category.
    Note the randomness here is much better when using a database, since the API doesn't provide this functionality natively so we have to kind of fake it.
  • wordExistsInLanguage Check if the given word exists in the given language.