typo3/cms-filemetadata dependents (48) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • hmmh/typo3-kickstarter

    Start developing quickly with local PHP and SQLite

  • itzbund/gsb-core

    GSB Core. This is Part of the Goverment Site Build (GSB) 11. Der GSB 11 ist eine Maßnahme der Dienstekonsolidierung Bund (DKB) des Bundesministeriums des Innern und für Heimat (BMI) und wird im Auftrag des Informationstechnikzentrums Bund (ITZBund) durchgeführt.

  • itzbund/itzbund-mandatory

    Metapackage that require all mandatory packages for GSB 11 Hosting in ITZBund

  • PHP


    Simple threaded (tree) or list message board (forum).

  • PHP


    Various tools/hooks to extend/modify TYPO3

  • lbr-media/typo3-bootstrap-base

    TYPO3 CMS Base Distribution with bootstrap 5 template engine.

  • PHP


    Typo3 template extension with Twitter Bootstrap 5 package.

  • PHP


    Manages the copyright details of images and other media and offers a convienient way of displaying these automatically and directly on the page on which the media is used. In addition, a list of all media used and the associated copyright information can be output

  • PHP


    Adds some basic features to your TYPO3 installation

  • markusvolkmer/mv-basepackage

    Default package used in markusvolkmer/typo3-distribution.

  • netzmacher/launchstartgreen

    Launches a ready-to-use website for Buendnis 90/Die Gruenen!

  • netzmacher/xblog

    xBlog: Frontend-Simplifier

  • nimut/typo3-complete

    The complete TYPO3 package with all core extensions in the respective TYPO3 version

  • PHP


    TYPO3 Composer Development Kit

  • PHP


    Provides an overview of all used images with copyright information in the frontend and a backend module for managing copyright details.