
A simple self managed wrapper for MySQLi in PHP

2.3.3 2019-02-17 18:39 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-18 06:27:14 UTC


A simple self managed wrapper for MySQLi in PHP. This class is useful for small websites with a single DB connection.

1.1 Why?

I have been making some small personal websites and I wanted a way to minimize the amount of code it took to use MySQLi and still have the security to help prevent sql injection. I have reduced it to a single function call with this class.

1.2 Features

  • Singleton maintains single connection
  • Simple to use
  • single flexible query function
  • It runs any query (Select, Update, Delete, Insert) and it will parameterize the query
  • Inserts return the insert id

1.3 Example

1.3.1 Defining MySQL Server Constants

These constants will be used by the SQL class

define("MYSQL_SERVER", "localhost");
define("MYSQL_USER", "testUser");
define("MYSQL_PASSWORD", "test");
define("MYSQL_DB", "test");

1.3.2 Using the class

require_once "SimpleSQL.php";
use SimpleSQL\SQL as SQL;
$sql = 'select * from test where field = ? and field2 = ?';
$params = ['fieldValue', 'field2Value']; // Params added in order of '?' placement in query
$result = SQL::query($sql, $params);

2 SimpleORM

A simple extendable class for making Database calls. Using a model you can encapsulate your SQL queries to a class. It also provides basic CRUD functions.

2.1 Features

  • CRUD Functions
    • Get - Gets a record from the table by id
    • GetList - Gets a list of records by a simple where filter
    • GetOne - Returns 1 record from GetList
    • Add - Inserts a record
    • Update - updates a record by id
    • UpdateMany - updates records by simple where filter
    • Delete - deletes record by id
    • DeleteMany - deletes records by where filter
  • Easy to use a setup
  • Simple encapsulation for Database operations
  • Wraps the SimpleSQL class for MySQLi

2.2 Example

This is a quick use case. More examples of each CRUD Function in the test directory.

require_once "SimpleSQL.php";
require_once "SimpleORM.php";

// This class will hold all operations for 1 DB table
use SimpleSQL\SQL as SQL;
class TestUser extends SimpleSQL\ORM
    protected static $table = "testUser"; // Exact mysql table name
    protected static $key = "id"; // the primary key field name
    protected static $fields = "id, firstName, lastName, startDate, isActive"; // the fields you want returned fromt the table

    public static function GetUsersForStuff()
        // Additional functions can be added for custom operations
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM testUser ... ";
        return SQL::query($sql);

// Using the class
$results = TestUser::Get(123) // parameter is id of record
$newRecord = TestUser::Add(['firstName' => 'Tyler']);