
An image-resizing librarylet

dev-master 2015-09-23 15:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 16:06:57 UTC


This librarylet provides a class which allows you to easily resize images using PHP's GD library.


The easiest way to install this library is with composer. Simply run this command in your project's root directory:

composer require twowholeworms/image-resizer


Here's the simplest usage for the resizer:


use TwoWholeWorms\Utilities\ImageResizer;

// Resize an image using the default settings (PNG, cover) to 300x200
$processedImage = ImageResizer::load('/path/to/image_file.png')->resize(300, 200);

You can save the results directly to a file like this:


use TwoWholeWorms\Utilities\ImageResizer;

// Resize an image using the default settings (PNG, cover) to 300x200 and save it to a file
$resizer = ImageResizer::load('/path/to/image_file.png')->save('/path/to/save/processed_image.png');

You can load from a URL:


use TwoWholeWorms\Utilities\ImageResizer;

$resizer = ImageResizer::load('');

You can pass in configuration options when loading the source image:


use TwoWholeWorms\Utilities\ImageResizer;

// Create a new instance with specific settings
$resizer = ImageResizer::load('/path/to/image.gif', [
    'format' => IMAGETYPE_PNG,
    'mode' => ImageResizer::MODE_COVER,
    'width' => 300,
    'height' => 200,

Or you can set each option individually:


use TwoWholeWorms\Utilities\ImageResizer;

$resizer = ImageResizer::load('/path/to/image.gif');

If you want to save several image sizes straight from one source image, you can just do this:


use TwoWholeWorms\Utilities\ImageResizer;

$resizer = ImageResizer::load('/path/to/image')
$resizer->save($destFileLarge, ['width' => 1000, 'height' => 750]);
$resizer->save($destFileMedium, ['width' => 600, 'height' => 400]);
$resizer->save($destFileSmall, ['width' => 300, 'height' => 200]);
$resizer->save($destFileThumb, ['width' => 100, 'height' => 100]);