
Payment gateway

Installs: 4

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 3

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


dev-master 2016-10-06 12:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-08 18:16:26 UTC


Payment gateway designed with forex in mind. Currently work in progres...


Installation with composer:

composer require twodudes\fxpay

How does it work?

The system consists of:

MerchantConfig - stores the merchant configuration for the given vendor

HandlerStrategy - describes the strategy of dealing with the vendor


PaymentRequest - stores the request parameters, you want to send to the vendor

RequestBuilder - builds the array of parameters, needed to be passed to the vendor


ResponseValidator - validates the response, based on the merchants rules

ResponseBuilder - builds the payment response object, containing information about the transaction, once you got the merchant notification from the vendors system

For the workflow check the TwoDudes\FXPay\HandlerStrategy\FormWithRedirectStrategy

I don't want to read, give me a sample

Check the tests

How to use the event manager?

There is a build in events system. You can use the built in event manager (the simpliest possible), or include your own one, if you want

$this->strategy = new FormWithRedirectStrategy($config);
$this->strategy->setEventManager(new EventManager());

If you want your custom event manager, just make sure, that it implements the TwoDudes\FXPay\Events\EventManagerInterface

What event do you have?

Creating Request:

AfterRequestBuildEvent - fires, once the request builder built the params to generate the form. Here you can modify the generated params

AfterFormBuildEvent - fires, once the html content with the hidden form was built. Here you can modify the form html.

Processing response:

BeforeProcessResponseEvent - fires before any processing took place.

AfterBuildVendorResponseEvent - fires in the very end, once the VendorResponse is ready.

How to attach a new event
$this->strategy->getEventManager()->attach(BeforeProcessResponseEvent::getName(), function(BeforeProcessResponseEvent $event) {
    $params = $event->getParams();
    do something with the params